I have to drive to Toronto from Nova Scotia once again for my school year in a couple of weeks. It's about a 20 hour drive. I have never driven a long distance by myself, but if I am given specific directions, I can follow them quite well.
I was going to ask a friend, but I can't have guests in rez for the first couple weeks so they would literally drive there and fly back the same day.
My mom said she would go with me, but she is coming in september for a concert and again in april with my dad for my grad and it's going to just be more money for her and although I am not a big fan of driving that much by myself, I think I can do it and it will be a rewarding experience.
I am 21 years old and at first my parents said absolutely not, but if I gave them a good enough reason and assurance, they miiight budge and save themselves the inconvenience.