
Should my parents let me drive alone?

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I have to drive to Toronto from Nova Scotia once again for my school year in a couple of weeks. It's about a 20 hour drive. I have never driven a long distance by myself, but if I am given specific directions, I can follow them quite well.

I was going to ask a friend, but I can't have guests in rez for the first couple weeks so they would literally drive there and fly back the same day.

My mom said she would go with me, but she is coming in september for a concert and again in april with my dad for my grad and it's going to just be more money for her and although I am not a big fan of driving that much by myself, I think I can do it and it will be a rewarding experience.

I am 21 years old and at first my parents said absolutely not, but if I gave them a good enough reason and assurance, they miiight budge and save themselves the inconvenience.





  1. I have friends that have made a similar drive around that age - New Mexico to Tennessee - and it's not been a problem. You might have to stop at a hotel on the way.

    Do what you feel is best - you're definitely old enough to make your own decision.

  2. if you are 21 you are plenty old enough to make your own choices and i think you are old enough to drive yourself to school.

  3. That's a really long drive. I'm 31 years old and have never driven that far alone. I'd be more afraid of you falling asleep at the wheel than I would worry about you getting lost. If you think you're up to it I'd plan out the trip. What time will you leave? Where will you stop to rest? What will you do if you feel tired? Make sure you have a map, cell phone, money, credit card (for emergencies) and guide to rests stops and hotels/motels along the way. Give them a real plan and show them that you've thought it all through. If you have all your ducks in a row and all your bases covered they'll be more likely to agree to your plan.

  4. i dont think they should let you drive alone for that long if you get in a crash and you need help badly there should always be someone im not saying you are going to its just a 50 50 chance

    hope that helps:)

  5. You are 21 so you can do it.    You need to be smart about it though, have a charged up cell phone and have an auto charger,   a car that is roadworthy and can handle a trip like that, a can of fix a flat in the trunk.   Have AAA or roadside assistance plan.    The worst thing is if the car gets a flat in the middle of the innerstate.   You dont want to be at the mercy of the general public so make sure you are prepared for emergencies.   Dont trust people.  There are a lot of kooks out in the world who could see a stranded girl with a flat tire as a perfect victim.   Good luck.

  6. Wow.  You're 21 and an adult for gods sake.  Maybe tell them you will call them every hour for the next 20 hours to tell them you are ok.  If you can't drive there, what is your other option?  Trust me, driving 20 hours is really not much of a "rewarding experience".  Why would you think that?

  7. leave a day early or something tell them you will drive half way or however and then sleep the night if it comes to it. You are old enough and if you feel comfortable enough to do it yourself just tell them that it will save on everything money time and gas for you to just take the trip on your own.

  8. You're 21 yrs old, you are old enough to make your own choices. If you want to make that drive by yourself, then just do it.

    You need to cut the apron strings NOW

  9. You're a 21 - year - old adult!  Sorry if this sounds offensive, but get a spine, honey!  You became legally old enough to make your own choices three years ago; it's time to do so.  Of course that means your parents can legally decide to stop supporting you, but that's part of adulthood - embrace it!

  10. Good grief!! I drove myself to Flordia for college all the way from Indiana all by myself. It's not that difficult. It was about a 20 hr drive. I took two days to do it so that I would not tire and stopped when I needed to.

    And I was only 18 when I did this.

  11. Any amount of money is worth it to save your life. Do you honestly, seriously feel absolutely comfortable doing this? Like is it a no-brainer? If you have enough doubt to ask about it on Yahoo! Answers, you should probably not do it. Seriously, driving alone for that long could make you really tired and bored and it could be super unsafe. I'd say don't do it. Especially if your parents are offering to help you not go through that!

  12. You are 21 years old and officially an adult. Unless it's THEIR car, you shouldn't have to ask permission anymore

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