
Should my rat's nose be wet?

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I know dogs have wet noses.. But is it normal for a rat to have a wet nose..? I think he may have a cold. He was making funny noises last night and seemed a bit sniffly. Should I take him to the vet?




  1. Take him to the vets.

    Rats generally have dry noses- a wet nose is a running nose and the sign of a cold or worse. Rats are prone to breathing problems and can really suffer with colds, so he needs to see a vet ASAP.

  2. you have a pet rat!?!

    or is it a hamster because they are completly different things

    or maybe you have a chiuaua :]

    jkjk take it to the vet if vets even work with rats

  3. i have been brought up with my family always having rats as pets

    my rats never had wet noses so it would be good to get them checked out

  4. the hamster's nose really shouldn't be wet, it is probably best that you do get that checked out. has it been like that for a long time or just a little while??? if it is just starting, it would be a perfect time to get it checked out in the near future. if it has been happening for a while go NOW.

  5. Rats are very prone to respiratory problems, and signs include sneezing and making crackling or hooting noises (think of the Clangers, the old kids TV programme!).

    Clicking noises are the worst, as it means they have pneumonia - but any rattly or trumpetting noises should mean to get them to the vet asap.  Vet consults for small animals are generally fairly cheap, and a course of baytril or other antibiotics should clear this up.

    If you dont take him to the vets, it will get worse, and at worst he could die - so it's imperative you get him there today or tomorrow at the latest.

    Best of luck, hope he's happy again soon :-)

  6. It is never a good idea to use any animal's nose as a sole indicator of sickness.  Often, it is possible to look at a sick animal and see the extent of its sickness by observing the nose but not the opposite way around.

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