
Should my rent be less?

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I am renting a room in my sister in laws house and I have 3 daughters.We moved in on the 21st of September,paid in advance of $800, although she asks for rent on the 15th of every month. Does she have the right to ask for rent 6 days in advance, on top of that she snoops through our room, when were not home.Does she have th right to do that?

Now She makes us pay $1250+ up for the room and the utilities, and she has another lodger living downstairs paying about 550 and her boyfrend paying for rent as well. Do you think were being overcharged? On top of that shes insulting me not being on time although i pay on the 18th.For an odd reason she wants me to pay in cash not check? She doesn't want to claim any of her money to taxes? what should we do?




  1. You need a written agreement [legal document] that spells out the details of whatever the two of you agree to... how much rent?  When is the rent due?  When is the rent  considered past due?  How much private space does the rent cover?  Can you lock your private room/s?  Do you have kitchen/livingroom/diningroom,etc  privileges?   Do you have use of other areas inside/outside the home?  Who pays for the Utilities?  ALL the details need to be covered or neither of you will be happy... which probably means you need legal counsel to do it right.

  2. For the money your paying her for a room, you could be living in an apartment. Just remember though that with a landlord if the rent is due on the 1st and you pay on the 3rd it's late.

  3. not sure we have the full story

    you should get yourself another place to live---this is a mess

    You can find more than a room for $1250 a month

    She should NOT be snooping through your room if you're paying for it.  Get a simple locking doorknob to replace doorknow, then install it to your room and keep it locked.  Doesn't require nails or anything into the woodwork, so she can't complain.

    rent is always paid in advance, and if due on the 15th, should be paid on the 15th--why not pay on 15th and avoid irritating her

    and if she insists on cash, then you should insist on a receipt EACH time you pay. . .you're right she's probably not declaring it

  4. She snoops through your room? You are a single mother sharing a room with 3 young girls, how do you know THEY aren't the ones moving things about? Are you so fastidious a housekeeper that you know exactly what your kids moved, and what she moved? Four people in one bedroom--that means the room must be jammed with clothing and possessions.

    This woman won't lower your rent. She won't give you any courtesy more than you have now. So, if the price is too high, pack up and leave. I guarantee the next renter won't pay her $1250 for a bedroom in a shared house.

    I bet you qualify for Section 8 assistance. Buzz on over to your local housing authority and go get some.

  5. Some things are just not worth the price, and this is one of them.

    You need to look for a new place to live.  She's looking through your room!!!  If you were renting an apartment somewhere else, would that be acceptable to you?  Or would you be calling the police?  Just becuase it's her house, it doesn't give her the right to enter rooms that she is renting.

    It's hard to say what rent should be, since that can vary by region.  But she sounds like a shrew, and you and your daughters would be in a better place away from her.

  6. Check what a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment, townhome or duplex would cost in your area.  $1250 sounds stiff for one room and sharing the home.

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