My sister has a Ph.D, and my brother-in-law has a Masters. Both of them work in Reynosa, a Mexican bodertown. And they make very good money. They decided to buy a house right accross the International Bridge in Texas. Because of their education, earnings, in less than 6 months, they applied, and became American citizens.
Now they are regretting it. They haven't found a job in Texas that pays better than the jobs they have in Mexico. The private hospitals on Mexican side are better and cheaper than the American ones, so there's no point in getting American coverage.
So for over a year, they've been commutting everyday to Mexico to their jobs, and go back to their house in Texas.
They are very unhappy about how much money they are paying in taxes. Back in Mexico, that was extra money. One solution they are considering is coming back to Mexico. Another one they jokingly suggested was to have a lot of kids, or to purposely become unemployed.
What would be the best solution?