
Should my sister and brother-in-law purposely become unemployed?

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My sister has a Ph.D, and my brother-in-law has a Masters. Both of them work in Reynosa, a Mexican bodertown. And they make very good money. They decided to buy a house right accross the International Bridge in Texas. Because of their education, earnings, in less than 6 months, they applied, and became American citizens.

Now they are regretting it. They haven't found a job in Texas that pays better than the jobs they have in Mexico. The private hospitals on Mexican side are better and cheaper than the American ones, so there's no point in getting American coverage.

So for over a year, they've been commutting everyday to Mexico to their jobs, and go back to their house in Texas.

They are very unhappy about how much money they are paying in taxes. Back in Mexico, that was extra money. One solution they are considering is coming back to Mexico. Another one they jokingly suggested was to have a lot of kids, or to purposely become unemployed.

What would be the best solution?




  1. Tell them to move back, no one is forcing them to be here!!!

  2. thats a shame but understandable,this is what america has come to ,at least for now they are paying taxes

  3. about applying to be a citizen in 6 months, i doubt it very much,

    but? that is not the question here,

    so, if life in the US is not what the both of them expected? that is my opinion only, they should move back to Mexico......

    to each it's own taste and life style.

    the solution, is indeed they are in the level you are saying? job wise? they are the only able to judge what is suitable for the both of them.

  4. Well i think they should stay in Reynosa..Im from Mcallen my self..and people come to this side to have a better life...but they are all set..i mean they have a carreer..why come to this side...they should not become unemployed..that is just wrong..they will regret it in the long run..

  5. If they don't mind living in Mexico, I'd say live there. It seems like everything they do besides sleep is  in Mexico.

  6. I very strongly doubt that a random Mexican couple could apply for and become US citizens in 6 months. You can't buy US citizenship and there are no educational or income requirements to become a US citizen, neither do education or income help in any way in that endeavor. You have to have resided in the US for a minimum of 5 years as a legal permanent resident (green card holder) and you cannot apply from abroad. There are special requirements for people in the US armed forces but I don't imagine your sister or her husband were serving in the armed forces.

    Now if they are legal permanent residents -- and that is a little more believable -- they cannot claim unemployment benefits.

    And if they haven't found a job in Texas that pays better than the jobs they had in Mexico, then either their Mexican pay was insanely high, or they haven't been looking very hard.

    If they are US citizens or even permanent residents, they are free to move anywhere within the US to seek better opportunities.

    None of this story makes any sense, but if life is better in Mexico, then by all means move back to Mexico.

  7. Move back to Mexico.  They never should have come here to begin with, as they now well know.  

    Unfortunately, their foolish rush to get US citizenship is going to have negative consequences for some years to come.  All US citizens are subject to US income taxes on worldwide income -- that includes what they earn in Mexico!  After they renounce their US citizenship, they may still be required to pay US income taxes on worldwide income for up to 10 years.  They need to sell that house, return to Mexico, make sure Mexico still recognzies them as Mexican citizens!  If still valid Mexican citizenship, then go to any US consulate in Mexico with proof of their Mexican citizenship, renounce the US citizenship.

    If they become intentionally unemployed, how are they going to survive in the US?  They cannot collect unemployment, welfare or anything else.  Being educated, they will have a successful, affluent life in Mexico.

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