
Should my sister get a divorce or should she try to salvage her marriage?

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My sister has been with her high school sweetheart for about 6-7 years. They are married and have a 2 1/2 year old son together. Her husband is Russian and she is American. Last fall he went to Russia for about a month to visit his family and she cheated on him once. A one night stand. She felt no guilt and never told him. Then, this Spring he went to Russia again and she cheated on him a few more times. The majority of the guys were random guys she met at clubs while out with her girlfriends but one was an old family friend that she continues to talk to and flirt with. She recently met a new guy while out with her friends and although they have not done anything sexual, supposedly, they text all the time, flirting, and she wants to meet up with him. Her husband is nice but he is a bit serious and maybe she gets bored. She has also lost about 50lbs. within the last year and so her personality has become more fun and confident. She is always asking me for advice and all I feel like I can tell her is that she needs to get a divorce and be independent, because she obviously has some issues that need to be resolved and she is in no way suitable to continue being married. She has asked her husband to go to counseling and for a break and he refuses both. He is completely unaware of anything besides her new personality and he expects all or nothing from her. I feel like she is only staying in this marriage for the security it gives her emotionally and financially. He is unwilling to help her grow and she is unwilling to stop talking to other men and going out so I feel like divorce is the only option. Do you agree with me or are there other options that I do not see?




  1. She is clearly a ****. If she is not willing to live like a married woman she  should get a divorce and he can say good bye to bad rubbish.But I am sorry for the child.

  2. If she wants to run around being a dirty w***e she should at least muster up the tiniest bit of decency and cut her husband loose. What a nasty s***k.

  3. Well I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion but it is your sister's life and if she wants a divorce she will get one.  Who knows what goes on behind closed doors.

    I find it terrible that she would cheat on her husband and family - I will never understand it or find the justification for it valid.  I agree with you get a divorce and move on with your life if you cannot keep your vows to your spouse.

    Sorry, I agree but that is about all I have.  You could always rat her out and expose her for the cheater she is....

  4. She obviously doesn't LOVE him or she wouldn't be a serial cheater. She should divorce him, and then she can sleep around all the time instead of waiting for him to go away.

    Sheesh, what a tramp she is!

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