
Should my son shower after hockey?

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A bunch of our families like going out after games and practices and me and a few other moms think they should start showering after games and practices. Do you think at this age (first year bantam) the kids are mature enough and how do I go about telling him. I don't want to make him uncomfortable, but as all you parents know that "hockey smell" is pretty overbearing.




  1. if he is the backup goaltender then probably not necessary, if he plays any other position he should shower

  2. Definitely shower after games especially if your going out after.  Not only will you smell better but you feel 10 times better after the game.

  3. i think alot of them will be a little self conscious about showering in front of the other guys at that age. plus , to be honest with you, the showers in some of the rinks are nasty. if he doesnt mind the smell, then let him wait til he gets home.

  4. Yeah, he should shower after so that they can p**s on each other typical hockey player's joking around with each other fashion. I have a gaggle of hockey friends that swear up and down that that is the one thing you do to a rookie. No ****, they probably do it just to do it. p**s on 'em. He'll get it when he gets to do it a rookie next year.

  5. the funk of hockey is not unlike any other...but man try to get your kid used to showering. it's not embarrassing. what would be is if he grew up with that and not knowing how to be hygenic. i agree about the showers sucking at the rink, and also my bro played soccer and he smelled like the swamp...but first thing he did after game/practise when he get's home or to a friends is shower. everyone understands because we all play sports and know that it's not glamorous. the stink is ugly and has got to go.

  6. Tell him that all the professional athletes shower after the games, because the fans don't want to smell a nasty player. lol Buy him a pair of cheap flip flops for the inside of the showers because they can be pretty germy and you should be good.

  7. well it's not a big deal if they don't shower right after but after 1or2 hours then they should if they haven't already

  8. It's Shower Time!!!  Anyone should shower after playing sports.Hockey smell is the worst.

  9. Showering after any kind of physical activity should be encouraged.  You can walk your son thru what you expect of him in the shower room at your bathroom at home.  He then should be able to take it from there.  He should have his own showering kit in his hockey equipment bag.  I think that he may not know how offensive his body odor is after all of that activity.  Just use your common sense and parental sensitivity to speak to him on the topic.  It may even be better for the information to come from his father.

  10. im the excact same age as him, and we just started this year, obviously the reason why most don't do it is becasue they will be made fun of, but if he can't take that, thats an entirely different problem. At this age we are not mature enough to handle this (trust me,) but they won't smell as bad, so its worth it

  11. Of course he should be showering after games.

    He sweats while playing, although he may be a bit young, he still sweats and that sweat sticks to him if he doesn't.

    sweat doesn't smell good.

    and explain to him that the hockey smell means he's becoming a pro and all the pro's shower after games.

    Kid's like to dream about being pro so just egg him on like that :)

    good luck.

  12. Yea, becuz the pads after the game will make him reek from sweat.

  13. I think first year bantam is the age we started....we played with the 2nd years though so i think they instilled that on us because they where in the same position the year before, where their older peers woulda started the trend.  Definetly the time to start though....ask the coach he could probably help.

  14. Not at the rink, those showers are have more mold then the six week old cheese on my kitchen counter.  But definitely take them home for a quick shower, kinda grouse not to.

    mjacobs9-Yeah when it comes to stuff like that guys are ALWAYS self-conscious.  Especially in the, shall we say, developmental stage these kids are in.  Kids that age are just coming to terms with sexuality and all that comes with it, it's the prime "you're g*y" no "you're g*y" "well you have a small weewee" age.  take them home first then meet at the restaurant.  Plus you don't want the gear sitting in the car while you eat anyway, you'll never get the smell out completely.

  15. If he is a bantum then yes.  Just make sure the shower facilites are reasonably clean. You also do not want him getting a staff infection which can happen in shower facilities that may not be well kept.

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