
Should my toddler be having solid p**p by now?

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He is 19, almost 20 months old and has never had a solid p**p. Not only that, but it has a grainy-like texture to it as well and an acidic smell. Should he see the doctor or should I not worry?




  1. I thought the same thing with my little ones, but once my oldest became potty trained, I realized that it gets all squishy because of her diaper.  So, maybe that is part of it??  But, I have seen what you are talking about with the grainy texture, I just think it is something that they have eaten that looks weird coming back out.  But, you should just ask your dr. about it next time you are in.

  2. Your sons p**p should look like yours. You mostly eat the same foods. Use your mother insticts, if you think there is a problem, then take him to the doctor. It will ease your mind.  

  3. I would take him to the doctor. it doesnt sound normal.

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