
Should my tooth be hurting 5 days after a completed root canal?

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I had a root canal completed on last Wednesday(five days ago) and am still having pain in the tooth. It is sensitive to the touch, throbs constantly, and I'm popping Darvoset and Ibuporfen alternatingly every two hours. The endodontist receptionist says this isn't normal and I should come back in next Monday if it's not better. Tried to call my dentist, but he's on vacation. Please, someone, tell me if this is or isn't normal. The tooth was very difficult to work on, badly calcified in the canals with narrow roots. The Doc said it was one of the most difficult he'd ever done and I would be more sore than normal. It took him a full hour of shoving and forcing his way with the gutta percha. If you are a dentist or endodontist, please advise. I hate to think I'm going to have to get it pulled after I just spent 1200! And I don't have insurance! Ouch!

It might be helpful for you to know that I have allergies and asthma. According to research he showed me, that makes me three times more likely for a "flare up." Don't know if that is related to what I'm experiencing or not.

Thanks to everyone who responds!




  1. It is not normal.

    Tell the endodontist's office it's an emergency and you need to see somebody asap.

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