
Should my website choose a focus?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike just displays my art. Should I choose a focus? Like only offer unity candles? Or center pieces? Maybe just one style, one scent? What is the best marketing strategy? Candle of the month? By one get one free? Free shipping? I'm NOT trying to sell candles with this question - seriously. I only want suggestions on how to make my site better. Thank you for your time!!!





  1. You should focus your website to a product or target market. Then each category should be focused to a use of the product including Weddings, Birthdays, etc. Within each category you will have product pages for each candle type and their may be some overlap.

    Try to think like your target market, what are they buying the product for and how would they want the website to be layed out to convert the quickest.

    This set up will also help from an SEO standpoint and offer a good hierarchy for the website to rank on specific keywords.

  2. I think there is no need for that. you have beautiful pieces of artwork and a art lover will surely buy one whether its just one or you get one free with that.

    You can try for marketing strategies though if your sales are not much.

    And great site!



    I DOn t Know.

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