
Should my weight really be going down???how do i know if i am burning more than i eat?

by  |  earlier

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my schedule:

mon: jiu-jitsu

tues:lift weights for 30 mins then walk/run/jog for 30 minutes straight


thurs:lift weights for 30 mins. then walk/run/jog for 30 minutes straight


sat:lift weights for 30 mins then walk/run/jog for 30 minutes straight



AM11:00 1 cup of oatmeal cereal with milk,apple juice(100%)

PM12 30: meat with banana

PM3 30: 2x meat

PM5 30: yogurt and a fruit

PM7 00 meat

PM10 00 whey,milk,banana,and meat

in jiu-jitsu we do about an 30-45 minutes of wrestling

should my weight really be going down??(aiming for getting rid of unwanted fat and making muscle)

and how do i know if i am burning more than i eat?




  1. it is important to understand that a persons metabolism plays a major part in loosing and gaining weight.....althought you are exerciseing, you must make sure you are eating enough takes a lot of energy to burn fats......especially the unsaturated fats we take in....what other way to burn fat than to eat....when we eat we create great energy....try increasing your diet a small amount and see how that does.....

  2. believe me ur gunna start loosing weight

  3. That looks like a very healthy schedule, but since it only describes 30-45 min of your day, it's not enough to say very much. Do you sit and play video games for the rest of your day?

    Also, you can gain weight in muscle and lose weight in fat at the same time, which can result in a net weight gain. To find out if this is happening, you can calculate your body fat percentage. A trainer should know how to do this-they pinch your flesh (not hard) and measure the thickness in various places of your body (quads, belly, triceps, forearm, etc.) and put it through a formula to get a rough number.

  4. That sounds too healthy. I determined that a scotch and water has 100 calories. I also figured out that it takes 120 calories to burn the alcohol out of your body. Theoretically, I thought I could drink scotch and water all day and lose weight. It doesn't work like that.

  5. stay strict 2 ur schedule n weigh urself, thats prolly ur best bet


  7. GEESE!

  8. in oder to gain muscle you need to eat. your diet looks good ots of protien.

    why the wey so late at night.  typical isright after the workout.

    keep in mind that muscle weigs more than fat. I've een in the gym for 2 years and only lost about 10 lbs. but 4" in the waist.

    concentrate on feeling and looking better not so much on the numbers

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