
Should noel gallagher shut the h**l up?

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he's slagging off many music stars

i reckon he's jealous just oasis have had one so-so album well over 10 years ago and since then have just ripped off the beatles




  1. He is nothing to write home about,his parents must be proud of him.

  2. Yes he should, it is for publicity reasons anyway,  so lame! Unless of course he is in Italy slagging off the Italians!

    Remember when Liam Gallagher was beaten up by the mafia who overheard him in a bar and he had his teeth knocked out by the mafia?

    That was the best! He so deserved it.

  3. what ever m8.... he's got more right to say they things than you have posting this question, what have you done in the music business???  

  4. he speaks the truth, like it or not.

  5. He is entitled to his opinion just as much you are.

    If you don't agree then thats fine but he still has the right to say whatever he wants

  6. He's one to talk. Oasis are highly unoriginal and noel seems up himself lol

  7. No! Noel Gallagher's brilliant!

  8. Loved the last bit 'announcing dates for etc'.Right, so that's why he's being mouthy.Bad day when your music can't speak for itself,eh?

  9. i agree with you, he's just a bully bovver boy with the hump because he's no longer feted

  10. lol anyone who takes mr mischief noel gallagher seriously doesnt understand the man

  11. No

    He was spot on with regards to Amy Whinehouse and the Kaiser Chiefs

  12. Yes. His music is a pain in the ears, He is c**p, and he belongs in a cell full of bedbugs in Strangeways along with his brother.

    Everything he said on the radio is true though.

  13. Haing read your link i can do nothing but totally agree with everything he's said.

    i especially like the 'destitute horse' lol

  14. he's not my favourite (he's the better out of him and liam tho) but I totally agree with him!

    I said exactly the same thing about Mark Ronson when I first heard him.

  15. And now your slagging him off???? Are you any different from him????

    Noel Gallagher talks sense and says what most other people think but haven't got the balls to say

  16. No .Noel talks a  lot of sense. Hes not  jealous. Oasis arent exactly an unknown band.

  17. LOL Oasis have got a new album coming out anyday soon.

    Publicity??? pftttttt I aint a cynic


  19. Yes, he's so boring!

  20. He certainly wants to shut up. He does not know a note about music, but the Beatles did... they were super..

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