
Should not the NBC commentators be changed during the next olympic games ?

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Especially those in gymnastics and diving. They critic even the smallest details of another competitors, especially from china, it sounds ridiculous and unprofessional. When its time to the americans they talk like they are looking at a miracle... at the end, they not even let really enjoy the competition. I understand they try to support their team, but they result so annoying.




  1. they are mean and should think before talking because the us is not the best no country is the best but at least they are giving their best effort.

  2. The "star" of the broadcasting team in my assessment has been Teddy Atlas in boxing.  He knowledgeable about the craft of boxing and is a man who focuses on the sport and not the trappings about who gets a medal or does not.  He is the real deal.  There are ex-jocks in many fields that would beat these educated sports fans called sportscasters.  Just like Troy Aiken or Joe Morgan can tell us about the inside of the games of football and baseball, the olympics need to hire "real members of the sports fellowship."  Not these sad non-athletes who are given the job and are just chatterboxes.  Thank goodness we do not have Chris Berman to talk about the village where some poor kid grew up.    

  3. I don't really see it that way.

    I watch and they do point out the americans mistakes.

    And they DO praise the other athletes!

    I watched dving tonight and they were def. not biased!

  4. keep bob costas idc about anyone else

  5. omg the diving ones get on my nerves.  especially the girl!  

  6. Cynthia Potter said heavier divers made tidal waves, that the divers shower after a dive "to have some fun," and said "It's really important for synchronized divers to be in the same city."  Awful commentator ... she's got to go before trying to explain why divers are always wet ...

    Costas has got to go as well ...

  7. They should not only be changed, the Chinese should take them and shoot them for the things the are saying (just kidding).

    Everyone is an armchair coach, it is easy to find fault from the sidelines or the bleachers.  However, they should just report on the technical part of the event and leave the personal commentary to themselves.

  8. I think the broadcasting company should be changed.  NBC is just so horrible with their blackouts and commentary bias, at the very least they could let me watch on an international channel.  Instead they monopolize everything and then suck it up in every way possible.

  9. Don't dump Cynthia Potter as diving commentator. She should be back for the 2012 London games until she says she wants to retire.

    She is the most unbiased commentator still in the Olympic games.

  10. At least in gymnastics, I recalled watching the NBC commentators talking about the Chinese gymnasts as if they were above the rest, they would be amazed by every single routine the Chinese gymnast did,even if they had some errors. I remember because it was annoying the c**p out of me. That was AT FIRST, after a couple of days it seemed that even they started feeling suspicious of the scoring and they were more critical of the chinese gymnast routines.  

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