
Should old people have to retake a road test?

by Guest62525  |  earlier

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  1. Sorry, but you are going to cop the usual responses here: whenever we challenge the retesting of old people, the most common response is "but young people blah, blah, blah!"

    Sorry folks, different issue, and we already impose restrictions on young drivers in most juristictions.

    This is an example of a website where I live that gives information about older drivers.  It is from Australia, but little of this document is unique to here.

    To all those who are saying that older drivers are as pure as the driven snow and that is is wrong to impose testing on them, I say this:

    An older driver who proudly continues to drive, despite, failig faculties is playing withmy life, their own, and the lives of others.  It is indeed true that they cause many more accidents than they are actually involved in according to my state's actual stats.

    Oh, and the last three accidents I had were older drivers (59, 77 and 85) and none of them were deemed safe to drive, after I insisted that they be tested.  The youngest regained her licence pretty quickly after som lessons though, which is good..  I am 35 and I decided to get tested too, recently for interests sake and passed easily.

    Hope it helps


  3. yes anyone who drives on the roads daily can see that old people do not have the same reaction times as everyone else

  4. define old you young whipper-snapper!!!!!!

    at the age of seventy I think folks should be tested every two years

  5. Who determines old? For every older driver involved in an accident I'd bet a lot more younger drivers are involved in one just as bad. Age shouldn't be the determining factor as much as ability to drive. In that context EVERY driver in the country should be road tested at every license renewal regardless of age. (((Do you plan to be an OLD driver someday? Think about that!)))

  6. I personally think that teenagers through 30 need to take the test they are the ones you have to watch for.

  7. Good grief!!!   This same old question again..

  8. This has nothing to do with english.

  9. d**n Right!  We just had two accidents in MA in the last two months.  

    An elderly lady crashed through the front entrance of a hospital and killed her doctor.

    An old man ran over a 9 year old girl while leaving the elementary school after voting on super tuesday.

  10. Please define old!

    Most accidents involve people under 50

  11. Not just old people but young as well and maybe do it every two years instead of between 4 to 6 years.

    Among licensed drivers, young people between the ages of 15 and 20 have the highest rate of fatal crashes relative to other age groups, including the elderly. In fact, the risk of being involved in a fatal crash for teens is three times greater than for drivers age 65 to 69.

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