
Should older people use their own money to buy tokens?

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Yesterday we had my nieces second birthday party at a pizza place and my sister brought the package that comes with the pizza, drinks and tokens. I don't how much we had but there were a lot and very few kids and most were toddlers. Well, one of my cousins invited us to play with her nephew and I got this cup of tokes. It had like 20. I asked the people who were sitting there to see if they didn't belong to anyone and they told me to take them since we had the little boy. Well I went with my 17 year old cousin and we played air hockey. Then my other cousin and her nephew left and my 17 year old cousin and I stayed. I'm 23 by the way. Well my sister came to tell me that they were going to open presents and she saw us with the tokens and told us that they were for the kids. She wasn't angry nor stern about it but I figured that why am I going to use my money or my cousin's to get tokens if we had a lot and since it was very few kids and they were all 4 and under. They don't really have that much options and they do have the slide. What do you think? Was it okey for me and my cousin to use them since we did gave some to my niece and my other cousin's nephew or did it have to come out of our pockets since were are older.




  1. Use the tokens and if the kids want to play when the tokens are gone, then you replace them.  No point in going home with a cup full of them.  If the parents feel very strongly, give them money for the tokens, the pizza, the drinks, and anything else you consume.

  2. did your sister have a problem with you using the tokens?. since she was the one who paid for them. did you and your cousin make sure the little kids at least had a chance to use the slide first or asked them first if they wanted to.?  you could offer to pay for part of them since you did use them. next time ask the person who paid for them if they dont mind .  

  3. You should have left the tokens for the else should have decided who got the tokens except your sister.  

  4. Most people would expect older people to pay their own way for whatever they eat, use or consume.  If everything is "paid for" already, and that is understood beforehand, no problem.  If somebody gives you tokens to use, you are under no obligation to "share" them with anyone else.  It sounds like someone is taking advantage of your generosity.

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