
Should one be republican so the USA can do away with g*y men and women?

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I did not say "Kill". Get rid of....Like no rights. No one should ever be harmed.




  1. g**s don't care about what you are doing in your bedroom so why should you care what they do in theirs?

  2. Hi there I am g*y and Republican. Sign me up!

  3. Generally it's the Republicans who are against g*y marriage. Don't forget the Republicans have the big "3 G's" that are important to them one way or the other.




  4. I don't care who kisses who or where.  One of the things that I agree with John McCain about is that this shouldn't be a federal issue, but a state one.

    How dare anyone think they know what is in my heart.  Which are the ones being judgmental here?


  5. No we should be muslim extremist like Iran

  6. In their hearts, that's exactly what they want.  

  7. The republican party is filled with g**s, so they will never get rid of them. The secret ones have s*x with strangers in airport bathrooms, while the openly g*y ones become members of the "log cabin republicans".

  8. The Republicans are hoping to force asinine religion into our laws but Americans are going to say NO!

  9. Most of us Republicans dont  want to get rid of anybody, where do you get this c**p, Man up vote Republican it is okay to love your country.

  10. If you want to kill g*y men and women you should join the Taliban, al Queda or maybe move to Iran. Republican's don't believe in killing g*y people. Leaving g*y marriage up to individual states is a long way away from saying g*y people should be dead.

    edit: Taking existing rights away from someone is different than making new ones up. I have never seen any serious Republican ever say that g**s should have their rights taken away.

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