
Should one drive the speed limit or keep up with the flow of traffic if the flow is driving over the limit??

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Should one drive the speed limit or keep up with the flow of traffic if the flow is driving over the limit??




  1. I always go with the flow, but it cost me in another state. The police pulled me over out of ALL the cars just cause I was from another state. I would still say go with the flow.

  2. The definitive answer depends.  If you are in CA, definitely go with the flow.  You can actually be ticketed there for obstructing traffic, while driving the speed limit.  In some other states, driving with the flow is a legal defense for speeding.  In others, if you stick out in any way, shape or form and the flow is exceeding the're IT.  Been there, done that on a motorcycle in TX, with six cars AROUND me.

    Cop said he couldn't pull us all over.LOL

  3. If the flow is going no more than 5 miles an hour over the speed limit, I would stay with the flow, any thing over I would move to the right lane. If you get stopped for going with the flow, take down the plate numbers of the cars in front and back and tell the cop to give them tickets also. If he won't tell that to the judge when you go to court and I think you will walk out a winner.

  4. My theory is stay with traffic because speed limits are just suggestions.

  5. Keep up with the flow of traffic.  That not to say that you cant be popped for speeding if you only think youre going with the flow of traffic.



  7. I say go with the flow. Its safer (Slower isn't always safer). If you are moving at the same speed as everyone else, there is less chance that someone will hit you. Also you will be less nervous. If you are going the speed limit, and cars are blowing by you, it can get kind of stressful. You also make it easier for cars in your lane to merge with other lanes. In many states now, you can be ticketed for obstructing the flow of traffic (I talked to a cop who pulled a guy over for both speeding and blocking flow). If you want to go slow, stay in the right lanes.

  8. Try and move with the flow of traffic.

  9. go with the flow

  10. My driver ed techer in high school told us, if the flow of traffic is moving faster than the speed limit, it is safer for everyone if you go as fast as they do...

    It's much more dangerous if you go the speed limit, while everyone else is going faster..

    thought is was kinda funny... driver ed teacher telling us to break the law.

  11. Speed limits are NOT suggestions -- so don't gripe if you get pulled over for "rolling with the flow"!  Stay in the right lane and drive the speed limit; you'll get there safer.

    I've been there -- coming down the West Leg of the Dan Ryan [I-57 to the unwashed masses], I was at the speed limit when a WHOLE d**n BUNCH of cars went by me doing better then 80.

    When I got to Matteson [about 15 miles south], I had to detour to get around the 23-car pileup.  ALL of the cars in the pileup were in the gang that roared by me.

  12. The flow of traffic will always be over the speed limit.  If you want to stay safe and legal, stay in the right lane.

  13. Go the speed that you feel most comfortable. If your going slower then the rest of us keep out of our way. Be safe.

  14. Common sense would be go with the flow of traffic BUT BUT BUT -- MY LUCK would be to be the ONLY one in that traffic pulled over and it's not a good excuse --- it won't work.  So I go the limit or just a tad over............those tickets are expensive!!!

  15. well, speed limits are the LIMIT for a reason. ya you get passed but you arrive alive! you may arrive the same place 5 min later as someone else that was speeding, but you get there. no sense in speeding and risking your life or anyone elses life. seriously, whats the big rush in life? enjoy it!

  16. Drive the speed limit and stay on the right side, better safe than sorry.

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