
Should online car insurance take 15 days to process?

by  |  earlier

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the place I'm looking at told me they need 15 days to process the insurance, is that normal. This is my first time being insured




  1. it's up to them how long it takes to process; especially if you're a new driver.  

    What is most likely the case is they need to review everything with a tenured underwriter (this always adds processing time because companies, especially the on line/call center type, employ a lot of newly certified underwriters and hire few experienced underwriters. This cuts down on the cost) before they can bind on the insurance.

    To answer your question, it's not "normal" because your situation isn't normal, most people getting insurance have gone through it before.  But it's not out of the ordinary.

  2. I have met similiar situation before.It is not easygoing,however,I get through it well is the resource i find is useful for me.hope it works for you.

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