
Should or can President Bush be held for war crimes for the Iraq war ?

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Should or can President Bush be held for war crimes for the Iraq war ?




  1. Should  he? YES  Could he be ?Yes Will he be? I doubt it  Bush and his cronies have too many judges in their back pockets for it to happen

  2. There are 2500 dead or missing people from Katrina.  Should "Chocolate City" Nagin, or "Hiding in the closet until it's over" Blanco be jailed for murder?  They fiddled while New Orleans burned.  Nagin and Blanco have the blood of 2500 innocent Americans on their hands, and you're not calling for their heads!

    The answer is NO, by the way.  A war crime is voting against funding for men and women in harms way, like the Democratic Congress (Pelosi and Reid) try to do every year.  Maybe they should be strung up for treason.

  3. Should he?  No.

    Could he?  Sure, if there was a case against him.

    Since there isn't a case against him, he couldn't and shouldn't be held for war crimes.

  4. Honestly he's responsible for over  4,000 American lives lost in the Iraq war.He's responsible for the conspiracy of murder and murder itself because he sent troops into Iraq under false pretenses.Bush hasn't shown any remorse for the trauma he's caused the loved ones of those lost in Iraq.

    Iraq was never a threat to us militarily so we had no real reason to invade that country other than the fact they have one of the largest oil reserves in the world and as a resukt of our invasion, we now see the Bush/Cheney cronies of the oil industry reaping record profits. Our economy is in the worst shape since the Great Depression.

    In a time of war and suffering, Bush's smiles, joking, and good spirits stand in stark contrast to the demeanor of everyone of his predecessors and couldn't possibly be more inappropriate. Michael Moore, in his motion picture documentary Fahrenheit 9/11, captured this fact and the superficiality of Bush well with a snippet from a TV interview Bush gave on the golf course following a recent terrorist attack. Bush said, "I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you." Then, without missing a single beat, he said in reference to a golf shot he was about to hit: "Now watch this drive."

    This man is a complete idiot and a liar !

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