
Should or is astrology sign based on actual birthdate or expected due date? Some people say I act other sign?

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So my ? is I was born in early July which puts me in Cancer astrology sign. But I was born atleast 8 weeks early which would put me in either virgo or libra depending on what actual weeks gestation. But birthmom says 12 weeks early. definitely I would be libra. I was 3 pounds 3 oz at birth born to a teenager mom. so, who knows all the real details??? just wondering if i should be following a different astrology sign. half-brother says i sound like a libra. hmmmmm....... makes one wonder.




  1. Yes, Yes..this is often asked. And often answered.

    The moment a child comes into the world, enters through the birth canal, breathes air on it's own, becomes it's own being without the life support of its mother and begins its own life, that is when the child's natal chart is formed.

    You're personality may not match the characteristics usually noted for your Sun sign simply because you have 10 or so other placements and a potential of a dozen aspects that can impact your personality. Everyone does. That's why "Sun sign astrology", the astrology that "skeptics" like to pan on, is not true astrology, but only one very small facet of the big picture. It's like attempting to describe a person's appearance by just their hair color....doable, but not accurate.

    If you would like to learn more about the placements of real astrology, you can go to

    If you want to learn more about the questions that are repeatedly asked by skeptics, and repeatedly answered by astrologers, please see:


  2. This is often asked. From most astrologers point of view the first breath is the real birth time. No matter the circumstances. Time is ever so important. Besides, how can one assume a birth sign? Along with the other planetary positions, astrologers need to know the very important moon and rising signs. Birth time is vital.

    But time of birth can be altered. Artificially, naturally, or by error.

    There is no specific time during the birth process when you are "born". The birth certificate may not real accurate. Errors are always possible. Putting trust some intern and what time is on their watch. Forgot to change over to daylight savings? Made a mistake and wrote 12:00pm when midnight means am? There are countries that are not required to put a time of birth down. Just the date unless twins are involved, for heredity reasons. The British Commonwealth nations for instance are know to do this.

    Premature births are one thing, but about one third of the U.S. births are induced labor or c-sections. These times are often made so the doctor can make a tee time the next day. Now we can freeze embryos for years before birth occurs. Far beyond the normal nine months from conception. Science constantly beats astrology with ease.

    What is more important is that we have the medical science that saves the lives premature births. Not too long ago this would not happen. Science makes it possible for these children to grow into giggling teen age girls. That wonder if they are compatible with which boys.

    Edit: So the magic switch is when the lungs start breathing air on their own? Someone elsewhere made a point. A lot of babies (most?) are not breathing on their own. Ventilators are doing the work until the lungs finish developing. Or the child dies. Science gets to kick start the process, or does it start when the child is taken off the ventilator?

  3. I think you are the sign of the date you were born.  However, you may have characteristics of the sign you were supposed to be if you came out early. I have an Aquarian nephew who was about 6 weeks early and he is far too placid to be an Aquarian so I do think he exhibits some Pisces qualities.

    This is why I hate it when women 'book in' to have their babies!  (Unless, of course it is medically required) Let them come out when they are ready.  Let them decide who they are!

    My son was born on his exact due date - apparently only approx 3% of babies are born on their due date. I think it means he will be one of those organised, perfectionist people that is always on time!  We'll see!

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