
Should or shouldnt i?

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well i live in london ,but my mum has cousins and other family in usa ,well Arizona ,phoenix....and im in my last two years of school here and then i was going to go to college and uni after that ,,,but i really hate my school here and i dont think i want to stay two more years and im getting quite bored here in london ....long story short my mum said i can go stay with my auntie in Arizona and go school there at least for a year and do high school there and if i dont like it after a year come back and just retake the year i left? i dont mind retaking the year if i come back but i dont know if the school there is going to be there? can any one tell me if i will make friends im 15 and this will be in august if i go latina but dont really look it ..are the kids nice there to new people ? ..should i go or stay until ive done the 2years then go ?

ps can anyone tell me what living in phoenix is like?




  1. I moved to the US from Germany right after high school and have many friends back home who went to an American high school for the 11th grade.

    From experience - you won't want to go back - nobody who went to the States did ;)

    Yes, you'll go into the school at a point where friendships are already made, but you're coming in as an international student - that's always something interesting and new and will help you make friends quickly.

    Just for the experience, I'd totally say go. You'll have a blast.

    I've got a couple of friends who live in Arizona and they love it. Phoenix is one of the biggest cities there, so I'm sure there will be plenty to do.

    Good luck!

  2. Do you get along with your cousins? You should ask them for advice... also, look up the crime rate for Phoenix compared to other big cities. I don't know what it is, but it should tell you a lil bout the city.

  3. You never know when or if the opportunity will come up again, so take advantage of it!  Of course you'll make friends!  We American's love British accents so all you have to do is talk and you'll have people listening!  It's hot and dry, but beautiful!  Go for it, you won't be sorry!!  WELCOME!!

  4. do the 2 years and then go..People over there ar hard to get...Believe me.....I was there..

  5. i dnt live in usa but i have moved countries (for good) b4 and i was really sad and i ddnt feel lyk i had anybody to talk to... but i dnt mind now and i lyk it beta coz the education is way beta, u shud go, i mean its only a year...and u have the choice to go back

  6. everyone loves a foreigner in american schools.  I would come and check us out.  AZ, you will prob. love.  Much diff than London, experience a diff culture and then go back.  I wish i could study abroad in your country.

  7. Yeah you should. but let me tell you something. You said you look Latina. hm mm. There is a lot racism here in the united states. Arizona state is one of the worst ones.

    Search for some information. You can find a bunch of videos in youtube about the minutemen and you will find out for yourself. it's someting like KKK.

    But like I said you should try it. Good luck!!

  8. If I were you, I would stay and finish high school were your at. Get it over with, then you can choose where you want to go for college. Don't get too complicated, take it easy and just finish.

  9. Phoenix has  horrific crime rate.

  10. I'd stay.

  11. I don't think you will have a problem making friends, but it is quite a transition. The only thing you have to know is that the people here are less proper, and therefore you just need to keep your values, and don't lose them in order to fit in. There are many different types of people here, and you are sure to find a group that you can fit in without having to change yourself.

  12. Umm....well I'm not from Phoenix, but I am from Los Angeles and moved to San Antonio a year ago.  I dont think Phoenix will be as exciting as London, although it might be for you since it will be a new place to meet new people.  If you are going to lose an entire year of school then maybe you should really think about it.  But I would say go for it! Move out here just for the experience! Now's the time to travel and run around free (without kids or a husband) so move here and any other state and/or country you wish to!!

  13. i dont know what phoenix is like, but you should do it just for the adventure!

  14. Phoenix, Arizona is becoming one of the worst cities in the United States as far as crime and auto theft are concerned.  Otherwise it is a pretty boring town full of old retirees out in the middle of the hot desert with lots of strip malls and bad public transportation. Not a good place for a young person. There is nothing around Phoenix except desert trails for hiking.   The arts and culture are a joke compared to most major US cities. You need to have a car or the only place you will be going is the mall or 7-11, if you are lucky. Most people who live in Phoenix drive to California to go on vacation.  I live in southern California and I would rather be in London any day of the week.

    If you have never been to the United States, don't make Phoenix your first visit or you will leave very sad!

    The schools here are awful as well, you will get nowhere in your studies if you choose to go high school in Phoenix for one year.

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