
Should other woman ride on the back of husbands bike!?

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should I allow other woman to ride on the back of my husbands harley or nock the bleep out of both of them.

what would you do?




  1. NO absolutely not! I would never allow another woman to ride on a motorcycle with my husband.

  2. I Think the real question is, do you trust your husband to have other woman riding on the back of his bike? if you do... but it's something you dont like, just let him know, its not the womans fault its his decision if their there or not

  3. no

  4. Buy him a solo seat for Christmas.

    The only ones who get to ride on the back of mine are my wife and daughters. My wife's best friend has had one ride. By special request and permission. And she waited almost two years to get it.

  5. if you dont want them to stand up

  6. Sounds like you might be a little insecure. I have a gf and she lets me ride around mutual female friends of ours and has no problem with it. There not having s*x theyr riding on a bike.

  7. well if you and the women are not friend's then sure y not. but if there just gonna go for a little ride then let it be..i don't think you should stress your self over that unless u really don't like the girl.

  8. Not unless its his mama or sister

  9. h**l no. Don't let know sh*t like that fly. She has to hold on around his waist and it doesn't sent a good image to the public. Why would he have a girt with him. Is this some kind of motorcycle pull to work? lol

  10. Do not knock the bleep out of them...

    Just ask them to respect your wishes, by not riding.

    Be firm, yet tactful!

    And keep your yes...yes!

  11. Why the heck not? When my husband and I go out, someone is always welcome on the back with him - if he is willing. Heaven knows I'm not getting on back. Usually, the non-rider rides on back of my bike- but that's because my seat is more comfortable for a passenger. What exactly do you think can be going on while they are riding? He has to keep his hands on the handle bars.  If the woman wants to be safe, she won't be distracting him with her hands anyway.

    Besides, I am riding besides him. Well, usually in front of him. Like the saying goes, "If you can read this, the b**** just passed you!" If you are on a your own bike, you can see what is going on, but it would be better if you kept your eyes on the road.

    As for the women that are worried about the woman riding behind your husband holding him around the waste, these girls obviously know very little about riding on back of a Harley. Unless the bike doesn't have a sissy-bar, passengers do not hold on to the rider- they hold onto the bike.

    Jeez- the non-riding jealous wenches need to get with the program.

  12. is this a friend or just random chicks? theres a huge difference.

  13. There was a thread in and the general thing is it is her p pad and she should say if it is ok for anyone to sit there.  His bike her p pad so ask her if it is ok or not.  Generally little ones and close others with only her permission.


  14. no and it's a shame that he would even consider it

  15. You obviously have a very low opinion of your Husband.

  16. Unless it's a sister or his mother, nope. I wouldn't accept that either. It's not like he's giving women a ride in a CAR. It's a bike. Smaller, closer, more personal contact. Not acceptable in a marriage.

    If he's going to blatantely disrespect your wishes just give him a taste of his own medicine. Give some guys rides home and see how wild it drives him. If there's one thing women are good at, it's pushing a man's buttons.

  17. Knock the Bleepity Bleep out of both of them.  Him for allowing it and her for doing it.....I'm sorry but I don't want any other woman with her b***s up against my husbands back while her arms are wrapped tight around him!!!

  18. My wife is the ONLY woman that's been on my bike and will ALWAYS be the ONLY woman to ride behind me!  If I wanted another woman behind me, I'd leave her and find one.  But once you've got the best, you just throw stones at the rest.

  19. Yes, but they should always do it behind their backs. They should never admit to anything and never vary your lies. If my wife reads this, the dog did it.

  20. Nope.  i'd knock the h**l out of them both.  if she needs somewhere to go she can call a cab or get the bus. she don't need to on the back of your mans bike

  21. It is simple, next time hubby loads "her " up simply jump on the back with the biggest jock in the club and exclaim as you sail off down the endless black ribbon " bye dear, leave the light on for us, Okayyyyyyy

    I'll bet it stops.

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