
Should our children begin trainning for a particular job at a young age?

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It's nice to get to do what we want in life but some roles are hard to fill with people who haven't been training for the job all their lives. I think the option to study something extra is good but I feel we should start training our children for particular jobs based on testing and parents like in Germany. I would like to see Presidents that know what they're job is before they get into the White house. I feel the way we run things is very inefficient and wasteful of the potential of the human race.

Second I expect many of you to agree with me and I ask how do we change the system and where can we start?




  1. if we only knew what jobs were going to be hot in the future, that would be a great idea

  2. no, its better for them to be who the already are, freedom ☼☺☼ outweighs subjugation ║〠║,

  3. NO! Children should be learning how to think, really think, not memorize and regurgitate. Critical thinking, original ideas, If you can learn to THINK, you can learn anything later on.

    Tracking a child for a profession is horrible. Stifles creativity and allows no room for experimentation and just imagination. Most of us don't think, we read a textbook, memorize the details we think are on the test and then forget about it. Thinking is original, astounding, refreshing.

    At 8 or 10 your "test scores" may show a different personality than at 15. Then it's too late. Give them the basics, and set them  free to explore.

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