
Should ovulate tomorrow, but started bleeding today... Anyone have a clue what could be wrong?

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I have a 30 day cycle and ovulate on day 15. LMP was July 21st so I should be ovulating tomorrow, but I started bleeding today. Cervix is very low, very soft and feels open... Any guesses?




  1. coudl of ovulated early and possible pregancy?

  2. implantation bleeding!

  3. Implantation bleeding?

  4. Sounds like ovulation spotting to me.  Ovulation spotting occurs around the time of ovulation, and is normal for many women.  You are quite early for implantation spotting, which usually occurs around 7 DPO.  You could also be having an odd, anovulatory cycle.  I had them for a while - cycles lasting 1-2 days every 2.5 weeks.  If you have one odd cycle, it's not that important (so long as you know you aren't pregnant - some women bleed while pregnant).  If it keeps happening, you'll need to see your doctor.

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