
Should paper be illegal?

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Should paper be illegal?




  1. No.

  2. We can't live without paper, so making it illegal isn't practical.  However, the legal system could be used to require certain levels of recycling.  It could require large corporations to use a certain percentage of recycled paper, or to recycle the paper they generate.  

    We can all reduce our paper usage and recycle, that's one of the easiest conservation efforts available to all of use.

  3. NO!

    How would we take notes in class?

    What if we needed to leave a quick note for our spouses on the way out the door?

    How could we send invitations, correspondence, photographs, or anything else in the mail?

    What would we do if the computers went down?

    That is a ludicrous idea to make paper illegal.

  4. "No"if we (this world) did not use paper because we do not want to harm the trees then that would  be foolish, it would not give the younger trees room to grow. the big trees would suffocate the younger trees of light and rain.

    we just need to be wise in how we use paper.

    i tiped this not to offend any one but to shed some light on the other side of the subject.

    -my we join together to strive to be a better and cleaner nation-

  5. Not all paper is made from wood.  There are many materials that can be used, and the applications vary.

    No, paper shouldn't be illegal, but people should be more conscientious about using it as they should about any so-called "renewable" resource.

  6. No, but hemp should be legalized and used for making all the paper we use.  Hemp grows faster then tree's, very easy to grow, and can produce enough paper to supply our demand.  Best of all it doesn't take years for hemp to grow as it does with tree's.  Before anyone says anything, hemp does not get you high, hemp and marijuana are similar plants but not the same thing.

  7. No but we could reuse a lot of it

  8. you know what-we could be creating a little thing called hemp paper-which i'm sure we import from the canadians-but of course it is outlawed to actually create hemp products in america, this is due to all of the plastic companies & deforesters from way back in the day-it has nothing to do with the plants that people smoke-they are two different things.

  9. No. It is just that more people need to learn how to recycle so that we can save some trees.

  10. not unless you're proposing an alternative solution. We could just learn to recycle better. buy banana paper.

  11. paper made from wood should be

    but we can make paper from

    Hemp fibre



    Corn stalks

    Rice stalks

    Recycled paper

    and many more things

  12. And what would you replace it with?

  13. no

    but all paper is recyclable and made into other paper products, boxes, etc.....

  14. There are plants that are more suitable and are more renewable for the production of paper, such as kenaf.  Go to  For treefree paper.  

    To go completely tree free we would all need to recycle / or / or turn existing paper mills into tree free paper mills.

  15. Absolutely not.

    If there is a problem with paper then time should be spent trying to fix the problem instead of huddling in a room writing laws then re-writing them, presenting them... writing them again... lobbying for them, meeting on them, speaking to the press about them and so forth.

    Time is not infinite and people do need to get smarter and stop wasting it on nonsense... and just get down to business.

  16. no.  i dont think it should be illegal but i do think we need a new source of fiber for them.  trees have to be cut down to make paper and we need trees to absorb greenhouse gases so instead of using trees i think we should use hemp/flax fibers where they grow faster, use less resources to grow and the fibers are stronger.  although these are better fibers we still have to use our resources of any kind wisely by reducing/reusing/recycling

  17. I for one think that we use entirely to much paper,as per should it be illegal i dont think so.I believe that we should look at other options on manufacturing paper,rice can be conformed to paper as long with grains.I also saw that there are now farmers that are growing trees just for that purpose to prevent deforestation,they use a faster growing tree so deforestation isnt going to be an issue.I still believe that there needs to be another alternative to killing trees,like i said in ancient china they used rice paper why cant we.

  18. No, that would be absolutely impracticle. However, if we recycle paper, we use less. I taught my class to recyle ALL papers we use.

  19. No, but not recycling whenever feasible should be illegal. A lot of companies and business are just too lazy.

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