
Should parents be allowed to pick the gender of there child?

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Should parents be allowed to pick the gender of there child?




  1. no way. thats Gods job. what has this world come to

  2. If they wanted to, sure. There are couples who have gone as far as trying 5 or 6 times to get the gender they wanted, and some still didn't get it. Even though it seems a bit silly that someone wouldn't just be happy with what they had, the effect of that on the world's population is pretty significant. Being able to pick beforehand for some people would be a huge relief to the world and our use of resources.

  3. Sure...if they want a "Franken-child".


    I noticed I got 3 thumbs down for my answer. Why? You don't "get" my sarcasm?

    I have four children and I never even wanted to know what gender they were before they were born, let alone pick one! I knew I would love my babies anyway, so what’s the big deal? If I wound up with the wrong color baby clothes, so what? I was just happy they were all healthy. Plus, I had the added fun of being surprised when they were born. For me, knowing their genders beforehand would be like knowing what my Christmas present was going to be in March!

    ALL babies are good…without the aid of genetic engineering. Why mess with perfection? I would even go as far as to say, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.

  4. it would turn out very badly if they could

  5. if the parent wants to they should be able to. and then since u will get to pick the gender of the child u want, we can finally implement a plan to limit the number of children that each couple can have. that way we can control world population. then we can start putting people older than 80 to "sleep" so we can get rid of the huge drag they make on everyone else around them. so, yes, its a good plan to pick the gender of your child.

  6. I don't believe so.  A child is a gift from God and you get what you get, although I was really lucky, I wanted three boys and got them.

  7. I think it is beyond stupid...they should be so happy to have a heathy child....thats all that counts

  8. no-- you should be happy to have a child, does it really matter the gender?  if a person is so superficial that they want to pick gender than they really don't need a child--- its up there with picking eye/hair color, height, and other genetics that shouldn't be messed with.  a child should be born and loved no matter what the outcome of the gender or other genetics are.

  9. One addition to all the other sensible comments posted so far. China and India have preferred boys over girls for a looong time. The problem now is, that there are many males who want to get married and there aren't enough girls. Girls, as a rule, were either aborted, like in China or left exposed for animals to kill, or buried alive, so they could try again for a male child. This is a common custom in underdeveloped countries and so now you have entire nations of guys with no girl in sight. The situation is so bad in India, that some guys are willing to marry out of their caste system, which was unthinkable, or looking for wives outside India, in places where girls are more westernized.

    Why do we think we can or should control this? We are definitely unable to handle the imbalance we produce.

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