
Should parents be allowed to smack there kids?

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Yes, or no and why




  1. There are many ways to correct or discipline a child and smacking doesn't have to be one of them. When you are teaching a child not to do something, it should be done in a manner that isn't harmful to them, such as restricting their privildges. When you smack, spank, or hit a child, you are teaching them that when they are not happy with something that another person does, just hit them. You will be setting yourself up for bigger problems in the future.

    To CEM:  I respect what you said, but when they are restricted, you are the one who is in charge of what they do with their time, not them. When they have spare time because they are on restriction do to their behavior, make them write a book report on what they did, why it was wrong, and why they shouldn't do it in the future, when they turn it in to you, read it, correct their grammar, spelling, etc. and hand it back to them until it is a perfect paper. When they are little and are still learning what is ok and what's not, redirect them away from the problem and converse with them what is acceptable and what isn't and why it is or isn't.   I, too, have very challenging children. The oldest one I spanked on the bottom and on the hand when she didn't listen or did something wrong and it ended up affecting her in a bad way.  My other two, I never spanked or swatted and they are good, calm people with better communication skills than their sister has, with whom I spanked and swatted. No child will respond with the same punishment as the next. That is why you need to see what triggers their buttons before they learn to control yours and if your children could care less of their consequences because they have other things to do, perhaps you should be more aware of what they are doing with their time and set them up with something educational to learn from.

  2. smack - no

    abuse - no

    spank - yes

    -times outs do not work for all children!!!

    i have a very strong willed son, and timeouts do not work with him.  We spank him with a switch, and it works!!!  His behaivor problems have subsided tremendously!

  3. yes, they should

    so they don't end up in jail

  4. Yes, because sometimes other forms of discipline don't work.  

    To itsmyohmy:  sometimes taking privileges away does no good whatsoever.  Oh no, I can't watch tv, or use my cell phone.  But no one wants to be smacked.  I can do other things with my time if my "privileges" are taken away.  It's no loss.  To some kids, privileges taken away work, but for some kids IT DOES NOT WORK.  

  5. it depends where u r smacking. the butt and the hand but i would never smack a kid in the head!

  6. I grew up on the corporal punishment era and got an occasional swat in the rear even at school...I believe that it's appropriate in some contexts to "smack" a kid.  I don't believe it should ever be carried to far though, as I have observed some parents taking perverse pleasure in beating and screaming at their kid(s).  The bottom line is that it's up to parents to control their children through what ever means THEY feel is appropriate and it's none of anyone else's business if they should choose to "smack" the kid on occasion  PEACE!

  7. i was smacked,,,and i have smacked my kids.  it is my right as a parent to discipline my children in the way I see fit.  my children have respect for me and respect for others. at 11 i am still complimented on how well behaved my children are.  i also know there is a BIG difference between a smack on the butt or mouth and a beating/abuse.

  8. As long as it's on the butt! There is nothing wrong with a spanking. All these experts say it's bad, it's wrong, blah, blah, blah! Well kids were spanked for generations and did fine. This new non spanked generation of kids are disrespectful, and have no fear of athority! Of course if my punishments as a child were sitting in a time out I would have no fear either! I got spanked and knew how to obey my adults! So Yes Smack their butts!  

  9. Violently beating children is unacceptable.  An occasional open handed slap never hurt anyone.

    For example:  when a small child is about to stick their finger in a plug and you slap that hand there is nothing wrong with that child associating pain with sticking their fingers in plugs.

  10. Definitely. I was, it shows your kids that from the things you do you recieve consequences whether they are good or bad. It helps them realize quicker whats right and wrong and helps you out in the long run if they know that they will be smacked if they do something irresponsible. I'm sure that would prevent a lot of stupid ideas that can run through a kids mind. And smacking isn't neccessarily bad - there's a difference from discipline and abuse. Just know the difference and you'll be fine.

  11. I think some are too "smack happy" and get nothing accomplished except a child that resents you for it. However, with that said, I have no problem smacking my two boys in the mouth when they curse or talk back to me.

    Note: they don't do it.

  12. Yes. You can't tell me you wouldn't smack your kid if they called you a b**** or ran out infront of a car and thought nothing of it.

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