
Should parents be immature once in a while?

by Guest55810  |  earlier

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Do you think that your being always perfectly just, patient and mature with your children doesn't give them an opportunity to learn how to deal with loved ones who are sometimes imperfect, impatient and make mistakes?

Should they see that parents are only humans, with all human flaws, and learn how to handle that?




  1. Of course you children should know your only human, however i think there is a difference between being imperfect, impatient and making mistakes and being immature!

  2. I would not recommend losing your cool just so they can learn to deal with it. They'll have plenty of opportunity without you doing it on purpose.

    If you want to act immature by playing on their level, then I say go for it. It's fun to see mom on the floor playing with the blocks and doing a worse job of it than the three year old.

  3. They shouldn't intentionally s***w up or lose their tempers so the kids can deal with it, but if they do make a mistake, then they shouldn't hide it, but rather use it as an opportunity to teach their kids.

    When I saw this question on the list I thought you meant should parents get in touch with their childish side sometimes, to which I was going to say absolutely. My mom is sometimes incredibly silly, and I love it. I think it is a sign of maturity, rather than immaturity, to be willing to act a little childish with your kids.

  4. I wouldn't lose control just to teach them to deal with it.

    However, sometimes I do "lose it" with them (never EVER physcially or with hurtful/abusive language) - something like I'll yell "Get over here NOOWWWW!" type of thing.

    And I try not to - but when I do - I don't worry about it either, for the very reason you mentioned above.

  5. the idea is to be the best role model you can be for your child - teach them how to be patient and mature, etc. all parents slip up (quite often) and act immature without meaning to. instead of doing it on purpose, when a child sees you (or someone else) acting like that, explain later on that the behaviour was innapropriate and why.

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