
Should parents give their children gifts during Eid?

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I'm talking about the Eid right after Ramadan. I never really ask my parents for anything during Ramadan. Last year they gave me a dress, the first thing I had gotten for Eid in 4 years. I don't really want anything, though I love chocolate, I might just ask them for a box a chocolates. :)




  1. yeh i think they should give gifts for definate..we are not allowed to celebrate birthdays etc and where eid is a halal celebration i dont see why we shouldnt go out of our way to make it special..obviously keepin within the boundaries inshaAllah.

  2. I think the best gift anyone can give someone else in Eid(or anytime)  is Dua.  

  3. yeah cuz fasting isnt easy lol

  4. Yes of course they should. and lol ok...go ahead and ask em. Parents are so generous, they might even gift u a truck full of chocolates! trust me

  5. why not? it would be nice to get a box of chocolate :)

    well when i was still in school my parents used to give me money, but now i got a job and i give my parents money lol

  6. yea you can ask whatever you want.

  7. I think it's okay to exchange gifts for Eid. We're going to focus on making crafts this year. I think handmade gifts are perfect. In my family everyone gets a new outfit to wear to the prayer.  

  8. Yes why not. Not to excess or at the point of spoiling your children but they really enjoy the excitement of Eid and getting gifts is part of that. Family members give them money, we give them new clothes, sweets and a few other things, toys or DVDs etc. My children dont celebrate birthdays or christmas or any of those other things there friends get gifts from and celebrating Eid is a lovely time with meaning to let them enjoy some gifts and surprises. Its nothing new my Husband growing up always he and brothers and sisters would get new clothes, money and sweets, and would wait for there uncles to arrive to see who got the biggest coins.....I think its a lovely thing to do for your children.

    @Mintee - My husband did not grow up in the west so how come its tradition in his muslim country? They are not trying to follow westerners. I am a westerner and grew up celebrating christmas and what we do for our children at Eid does not resemble a christmas celebration at all. Eid is a celebration of Food so they get sweets, adult muslims get new clothes for Mosque to on Eid and I would rather by my children a few gifts on Eid as part of a celebration than just give then throught the year for no reason at all.

    I am not saying spoil your children but they are children after all and the month of Ramadan and the day of Eid is something we should all celebrate and enjoy. We give in charity also and our house is open for anyone to eat with us. I dont think westernization has any place in Eid celebrations but many muslims are westerners (me included) and do live in the west does not mean we want to be like or follow western culture or traditions.

    Peace to you...

  9. Dear Shakila salam for you.Yes in my country Indonesia there is habit (not mandatory) that parents give their kids gifts on Iedl fitri as a reward that they have finished a good fasting during ramadan.The gifts will be given in various forms such as new shoes,new clothes,new bike,or any other form of foods or cakes including chocolate.

  10. they don't have but most do which includes my parents 8) its just a holiday to celebrate after finishing ramadan.

  11. It is actually the sunnah to have new clothes for the eid.  Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had a Jubbah (cloak) that he would wear on `Eid and on Fridays.” Al-Bayhaqi reported that Ibn `Umar used to wear his best clothes on `Eid.  As for giving gifts, I am not aware of there being a specific tradition of giving gifts, however generally in Islam the giving of gifts is encouraged and if by giving children or new Muslims for example gifts there will be some  maslahah (benefit) then it is a good idea,  I give my kids gifts, but I do not go overboard.

  12. yes, it feels good. you get box of sweets, new dress, and on the first day of eid, we get Eidi from our elders thats money could be 10$ to 100$ as much or as little as they feel like giving, its just about the happiness. it feels great MashaAllah~!

  13. I think the most important thing is to make it special for the kid so they'll remember this day. It doesn't have to be a lot of money or gifts. A dress is probably the ideal gift since it's useful, and sunnah. Chocolates is more of a gift that a kid gives to her mother for mother's day.

  14. I always get money on Eid. But we whn we get older, it shld be us tht get gifts for our parents on Eid.  

  15. its not about the gifts... people are trying to turn Eid into Christmas to have a holiday like the west does.. get gifts for once  a year.. and people stress about what to give each other on Eid.. before you know it.. there will be some sort of  Santa Abu a large beared bedouin who goes about on his camel drawn sleigh and gives kids toys at night that were good all year... mark my words.. it will turn into this...

    no. seriously... There is no reason to worry about gifts.. All Eid is, is a celebration of a sucessful month of fasting... You should rejoice and be with your loved ones and the only gift you should worry about "maybe" is a gift of food.. cause Eid is about a feast after the fast...  

  16. i think eid within itself is the greatest gift of all and ramadan is a blessing to live through

    you might think it sounds cheesy.... but its true :)

    Allah knows best

    Jazakh Allah khair x

  17. The best gift you can attain during Eid-Al Fitr is the reward from fasting the whole month only for the sake of Allah.  Though if your parents wish to give you something then that is their choice.  Allah knows best!

  18. i dont know if you have to receive anything for eid but my siblings and i always do. its not much but hamdulillah.

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