
Should parents hit their kids?

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My mom does and dont think it is right. I plan on not hitting my children ever.




  1. Slapping punching that sort of thing is WRONG. But a spanking properly done and for the right reason is not .

  2. spanking isn't wrong, if done right, but hitting otherwise is wrong.

  3. No way.  Hitting and spanking are both wrong.  How does inflicting pain to a child teach them anything else but to avoid the pain - not necessarily avoid what they did wrong in the first place.  Also once a child reaches a certain age you physically can't spank them anyway and what are you going to do then to discipline them?

    A better option is to go by the law of consequences - either natural or created.  If it's something that will inconvenience the child but not necessarily harm them, then don't do anything when they forget to take their homework to school (they'll get in trouble there), or leave their toys out in the rain after you've told them to bring them in (and they rust).  If the natural consequence might harm the child then you just create a fitting one instead and intervene before the harm takes place.  Using this system will mean far more to a child and teach it something that will be true for their whole life - consequences for actions.

  4. hitting a child is heart breaking and it might seem like a smack on the butt is harsh and it makes them cry. but all kids are foolish, they think stealing is ok, they think its ok to hit and lie basically they do what they want like some kind of famous rock star which is great and u should encourage their confidence but you can hit them if they do steal or hit or do somethin very bad its the best way for them to learn.

    timeouts and talking to them will leave them making the same mistakes for life which might lland them in jail. when you could have nipped it in the butt.  

    if you had to take ur baby to some kind of operation you'd say its ok he or she is a baby they wont even remember,which is a good attitude towards spanking get it done cuz once they are like 12 u should never spank them again. unless they really need it like they are committing crimes.

    also many parents have done away with hitting there kids since the 80's and now look at the crumminess it has brought our society the youth of today are worse then i have ever seen here in newark nj little 18 yr old kids are committing murder on a regular basis its really sick. statistics are showing under age drinking at all time highs along with teenage pregnancy,  using drugs and s*x and that is mostly thanks to the huge wave of parents who had kids and let them do what they want now. if you love your kids please please spank them when needed, its only a one smack deal just dont kill them and u did it right,  never b angry when u hit tho be very patient.

  5. I dont believe hitting your kids is right... My mom did and like you I dont want my daughter to grow up like that. I do spank her on the butt or hand when she doesnt behave but that is the last resort. we talk about it and we do the whole time out thing then if she doesnt listen she will get a spanking but its like 1 spank not a full on beating or anything. and i am very proud to say that she is the most well behaved 2 year old at her daycare.

  6. depends on the kid. but i would never hit my kids

  7. No but hitting & spanking are 2 completely different things.

  8. NO!  a little spank on the butt is ok at times but not a hard whap just a little one.  Time outs and talking about the rules are much better though.

  9. No a parent should never hit/punch/beat their child and I believe you know that.  Spanking however can be a useful and effective tool of discipline.  Please don't confuse the two.  Hitting is done to hurt and done in anger, spanking is done to correct and to never be carried out when angry.

  10. personally i think that if a parent is going to hit a child it should be a spanking, not an impulse back of the hand b****slap--that's abuse.  and if a parent is going to spank a child it should be used as a very last resort, after groundings, timeouts, no tv, allowance and so on.  i think that if a parent is going to spank a child, it should always be in the same place whenever it's done and in the same way. and yes, there is an age limit on spankings, unfortunetly i know someone who got "spankings" all through highschool (f***ed up stepdad), but i think that spankings should stop around puberty b/c after that age it becomes entirely inapropiate.

    hope that any of this may have helped and just remeber that on an issue such as this, you really have to take any advice with a grain of salt. good luck!

  11. Spanking and hitting are both ineffective and emotionally damaging methods of punishment. Several research studies have proved that.

  12. WRONG ! no hiting !!

  13. Are you being beaten?  A beating is never right, naturally, that's abusive.

    If you're speaking of a spanking, it's a very appropriate method of punishment, when used rarely.  It's a swat/two on the bottom, doesn't cause physical/emotional harm, doesn't instill fear, doesn't promote violence.  It's not at all damaging.  Children who have been spanked aren't damaged, there is no trauma that comes from it.

    Abuse is what does all of that.  Are you being abused?  If so, speak to someone.  Abusing children is NOT acceptable, ever.

  14. no parents should not hit their children! spanking possibly for discipline but not hit!

  15. You know parents shouldnt hit their kids. Some of us ,as you say, have learned the hard way that hitting only causes deep within anger. We learn that we can't talk to our parents, because WE know THEY can't be trusted. It has nothing to do with the love we have for them, because we do. It's an issue of trust, and that's where we want our kids not to feel as if they can't come and talk to us. When you have kids and if you feel angry enough to want to hit, ask your child to go to their room for awhile until you feel calm enough to continue the discussion. I prefer the word discusson to my children other than argument, fight, etc. Thanks for caring enough for your future family to see the difference between violence and communication.

  16. i agree whit you although my parents never hit me ,but also is true that sometimes kids made their parents very angry that they do not know how to deal with that.

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