
Should parents let there kids stay up late in the summer?

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like til 3 am playing video games




  1. its up to the parents

    but hey its summer

    let them be kids but if its after 3 am

    then u can tell them no

  2. Yes

  3. It's up to the parents. I don't see anything wrong with it, but if the family has to be somewhere the next day, then I'd set a bedtime for that night.

    If a parents wants their kids in bed by 12 during the summer, that's not unreasonable.

  4. I think that summer is kind of a time to let loose.  So as long as your children are still respectful of you and your rules then I wouldn't worry about it too much.  The rule I have in my house during the summer is I don't care how late you stay up, but if we have somewhere to go and you don't get up the first time I call you then a bed time will go into affect.

  5. Not that late but our boys get too stay up till midnight on summer nights... that is alittle extreme for kids unless u want to sleep late in the summer too and dont want to get up with them too early...

  6. 3 am, hmm that is pretty late for children to stay up. Pretty much all parents have to work to support their children, so, staying up until 11 is late enough. Midnight on weekends.

  7. No.  I have no problems with kids staying up late during the summer, but only an era hour, maybe two.  3 a.m is way to late, and they'll have a hard time during heir sleep schedule when school starts.

  8. there's nothing wrong with allowing your children to stay up late in the summer.. it's their time to enjoy it!  But to 3am might be an issue.  Just tell him you would like it if you would go to bed maybe an earlier time!

  9. yes, its summer! during summer kids should get to choose how late they should stay up. But When school starts parents should resume the bedtime rule

  10. Yes they don't have to wake up early in the morning.

  11. i would let my kids stay up for as long as they wanted during the summer. Just as long as they were behaving themselves. i was aloud. i mean unless your like 5 thats a different story.

  12. depends how old the kid is, my parents will let me stay up as late as i want as long as im in my room and quiet (im 15) but i usually am sleeping by 9-10 sometimes as early as 7-8, but it depends i say if the kid is in their room and is older than 13-14 ya its fine as long as they are not disturbing anyone.

  13. It's up to the parents. My parents never minded as long as I wasn't so loud I disrupted their sleep.

  14. no cuzz when it time 4 them to go back 3 school their bodies ar gonna be use 2 stayin up tll 3 and that will jus fraustrate u.

  15. why not, its summer!!!! we stay up late, and sleep in...

  16. Sure, let them stay up! Summer isn't long, let them have some fun.

  17. Yes rhey should let them stay up in the summer b/c its their break but they should be in the bed by 12 no later than 12.30 if they are under 15.

  18. Haha it's summer why not? I'm 13 and stay up until like 3am texting, watching TV, and on my laptop.  Then I sleep until like 12 unless it's a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. I wake up at like 8:30 for those days because my mom has to go to work and I get to watch my siblings.. When else do we get to do that?

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