
Should parents pay an additional charge like fuel surcharge when they take their children out of school?

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during term time.

There is nothing worse than having screaming kids on a flight to the maldives




  1. At some point we were all children.

    At some point we annoyed other people.

    At some point we even annoyed our parents.

    Get over it.

  2. I bet you were a screaming kid when you were little. Just try being a little more tolerant, and less aggresive to other people.

  3. lol - the LEA fine parents £50 for taking their kids out of our school.  We saved £1000 going on hols with the kids during term time.  It's a no brainer.

    For the flight, invest in some ear plugs and drink lots of alcohol - it helps.

  4. Hahaha! Of course they should. And a prison sentence too, for blatantly going against LEA recommendations.

    Although, I understand that they do get referred to the EWOs.

  5. have a child yourself and then annoy other people by taking them on a plane

  6. You must have been born an adult. Intolerance is a miserable trait.

  7. no

  8. I took my child out of school for the last two weeks of the summer term.  What did she miss?  sports day, Dr. Who day, endless DVDs and a trip to the Tower of London - which she has been to twice already!  I find it is not the kids that cause the problems, it is the 16 - 25 year olds who cannot enjoy themselves without being drunk and noisy and acting like 5 year olds.  All the kids on my flight were well behaved or asleep!  I'd rather that all those going on a Club 18-30 or similar holiday had to go on a separate flight - much more peaceful!

  9. I take it you know the maccanns LOl

  10. No. It would be absurd.

    Aside from that, how do you even know the kids have been taken out of school? Not all schools follow the "traditional" fall/spring term, summer off, schedule. And, not all those kids you see are school age, or public/private schooled.

  11. no, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. One year old kids don't go to school!!

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