
Should peace and civil rights activists be put on the "terrorist list" by the government?

by Guest64708  |  earlier

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This country is becoming more fascist every day.




  1. Depends on the type of peace and civil rights activists they are .

    Just because they have nice names they could have hidden agendas.

    The Unabomber was all about being green you think he shouldn't bear watching when he was blowing up people he didn't think should live?

  2. Most Activists are hired - I see the want ads in the employment section.

  3. Should armed to the teeth Neo-n**i militias be on it?

  4. More fascist everyday?

    They've been doing that since the sixties, probably the fifties.

  5. I am sure they already are, probably along with myself for being here on Y/A

  6. the 60's return with the government enemies list hello Nixon,,,,er a bush

  7. It depends on what those people say and do.

    If you support a policy of violating the law, interfering with the rights of others, and refusing to abide by the accepted political process - it would be very justified that you name go on the list.

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