
Should people have a right to a defense attorney and why or why not?

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Should people have a right to a defense attorney and why or why not?




  1. people hire lawyers because they guessed it.....the law. If everyone knew the law and they were comfortable talking in front of a bunch of people, no one would hire a lawyer.  

  2. Despite Wendy's valuable insight into why a defense attorney is needed, she didn't really address what I assume is your question, which is the constitutional right to an attorney provided by the state?

    In that case, it's pretty simple: as pointed out, every accused needs an attorney.  In a modern, civilized society, lack of funds cannot be allowed to prevent an accused from a fair trial.  That would allow the state to railroad suspects if it chose.  Therefore, there is a need for some system that provides counsil for those who cannot afford it.

    Absolutely necessary, as much as we might not like to pay for it in some cases.  

  3. uhhh.

    You have heard of persons being found innocent, right?

    The point of any trial is to prove that the person IS actually guilty.. if we assumed persons to be guilty without any trial, then the entire justice system goes down the tubes.  

    Even persons who HAVE committed some crime, need a defense attorney, so it is fairly determined WHAT the crime was. Was it murder? Self defense, manslaughter?

    If you recall the Duke Univ LaCrosse team, the DA later was found to have left out evidence proving that no crime ever happened.

    The point of defense attorney is to insure that there is  fair and valid trial.  When your life is on the line, that is pretty important.  

  4. It balances out the scales.  How would they defend themselves with the due process of Law if they didn't have representation.

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