
Should people have the right to moan at the government if they don't vote????

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Should people have the right to moan at the government if they don't vote????




  1. I would normally say that they do not have the right,But ,with the load of tosspots we have now in all the main parties, I have a lot of sympathy with those who feel there is no real choice and do not vote

  2. Yes as the government is supposed to represent everybody whether they vote or not

  3. no,, i think that people who haven't voted should get on their soapboxes and start moaning about the government

    they should have voted to make a difference..

    if the party they have voted for don't get into power they can moan,, till then,,,,,,,,,

  4. Nope. Thats like complaining a mosquito is biting you and yet you refuse to swat it. Saying that "My vote doesn't mean anything" is a cop-out to being too lazy to register and vote.

  5. It depends on what motivates a person to not vote. If the person doesn't vote because they are too lazy or don't care, then NO. If a person does not vote because none of the choices are acceptable, then they have every right to complain

  6. Nope.

    Utilise your franchise - or shuttup.

  7. They have the right, and those of us who do vote have the right to tell them to stop whining and do something (vote) or shut the he!! up.

  8. Its a basic right, a Lotta people gave their lives to enable that right. As for the armchair groans maybe  next time if their cheesed off enought they might vote !

  9. Yeah... they should have the 'right' to moan, since this in a democratic country, which means that they are lucky enough to have the right to choose whether to vote or not and the right to moan if they wish.

    However, I don't think they should moan. If they don't like it, then they should do something about it. That's why I'm studying law at Uni next year... the legal system needs to be sorted out a bit!

  10. Definately not.

  11. NO.

  12. people have the right to moan and gripe abount anything they want.

  13. I don't think so. That's a fundamental right and if you aren't going to vote then you shouldn't complain about a dang thing.

    It amazes me how few of the eligible voting population actually votes...I think it's only about half( though I'd have to check).

  14. No. And that's what I vote when ther's noone worth voting for. It actually registers as a 'no' vote I've been told so someone,if they bother to look can see that the voter has no confidence in any of the candidates. Probably doesn't count for much but at least I've excercised my franchise.

  15. Nope.  It's a bit hypocritical isn't it?

  16. Simple answer: no.

    Long answer: the term "right" is abused way too much in the U.S.  Right as in, "Using your freedom of speech privilege", I'd say yes.  

    Right as in, "I'm so unhappy with our government." or "My vote doesn't matter anyway.." No.

    Instead of whining about whatever is easy to complain about in politics, how about getting involved?  Write a letter, by hand listing your opinions and send it  to your representatives.  Get involved.

  17. They should have no right to complain if they don't vote, they don't have a voice.

  18. They certainly should have the right; it's called "freedom of speech". But it's rather hypocritical to moan at something you're not doing anything to change.

  19. What if you don't happen to agree with any of the parties don't vote for any of them but you still have to live in the country which they are running and put up with the things you don't agree yes you still have a right to moan about the government even if you don't vote

  20. NO!!You Lose that right if you choose to not vote.At the end of the day everybody has choices don't they? I believe to have a voice you need to vote.

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