
Should people in America be required to speak English only?

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any and all opinions requested!




  1. I think America should have an official language.  It would makes things much easier.  I mean, they can have more than one official languages.  A lot of countries do.  And states can have other official languages.  

  2. No, the US is a diverse and multicultural place where freedom of speech is the most important of our laws, freedom of speech includes the medium on how that speech is expressed, which can include languages other than English.

  3. Its not required, but it is the national language. So people are required to learn it if they want to get anywhere in this country.

  4. I don't think it should be required but I agree with the first answer. If you don't speak English learn, I don't feel that I should have to learn another language in order to work in retail sales or other service industries. I also don't think that a drivers test should be available in anything but English. After all the road signs are not in Spanish....yet.

  5. English only, no.  I do not have any problem with people holding on to their heritage and speaking their native language.  My grandmother speaks french to me all the time, and while I understand very little, I love to hear it.  I do however think that all people who live in America should be required to be able to speak English.  This country is not set up to be completely bilingual.  Our laws are written in English, our street signs are written in English, our public schools teach in English, and this is the way it has always been.  My ancestors came here and learned to speak English so that they could get a job and have a better life in America, and I think that everyone who comes here should do the same.  I work hard and am well educated, and find it very sad that I am passed up for many job opportunities because some people do not want to take the time to learn the language of the country they are living in.  Again, if they would like to go home and speak Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, French, Italian, and so on and so forth, I have no issues with that and commend them for preserving heritage, but everyone here should have the ability to speak, read, and write in english, in my opinion.  

  6. english

    but i believe all who come to our country and drive on our roads,should be able to read the street signs,and make an attempt to learn our language.

  7. YES. You come to this country---learn our langauge.

    Speaking your own language at home is fine, but out in public...I personally thing it is so rude. Especially since you can't understand what they are saying.

    Also, Spanish being everywhere is sick. I mean, when my Italian family came here---they had to learn the language to get by---they didn't have Italian written under the English version. Putting Spanish there is just giving them more reasons not to learn the language. When Italians, and other Europeans, etc. came here they had to learn the language. I think it is very unfair and when I walk into the store, the signs are in ENGLISH.  

  8. Required?  Definitely not.

    English should be encouraged, and should be expected in public commerce and interactions, but we are a nation of immigrants and for people to be cut off from such a vital part of their culture and history would be unfortunate.

  9. I think in Gov. buildings and official places, (except for immigration for obvious reasons) it should be. Dr. offices, schools, stores, no. My husband is from Mexico, and 1/2 of his family speaks English, the other 1/2 Spanish. The ones who speak only spanish, are always relying on someone else for things, and do not have the same opportunities. It is a good idea for them to learn it, especially after years of living here, their children know it, and they have no intention of going back.  

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