
Should people really respect their elders?

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I'm not really asking this question, I am answering it, since it is so often discussed. Anyone who believes that people should respect their elders has no common sense, and does not have a mind of his/her own. Parents who are trying to teach their children to respect their elders are doing the wrong thing.

I'm gonna explain to you why elders do not deserve respect simply because they have lived longer.

People usually say that elders should be respected because they r smarter, wiser, have a lot of experience, are ahead in age, know more about life.

First of all, being older does not guarantee being smarter. And, even if a person is smarter than another person, does that mean that the person should be respected just cause he is smarter? Anyone who says yes is an idiot because respect should come from how a person treats others, not whether he is smart or not.

People also say that elders are more responsible because they have more experience in life. Again, this is not guaranteed. Again, having more experience is absolutely no reason for having to be respected.

I could keep on going but I'm just gonna get to the point. The following is what everybody should teach kids: Respect everybody, regardless of their age, unless they show disrespect to you. Do not think that just because you are smarter, than most people, then you should be respected the most.

I would love to see anybody challenge me on this. It is so obvious that this is the right way when it comes to respect. If you disagree with me, feel free to say why you disagree and I will respond if you do.




  1. You must really love living in our present socio/cultural environment, then - because neither age nor intelligence gets any measurable amount of respect in this youth-oriented culture that flocks to see movies with titles like "Dumb and Dumber".

  2. Yes!

    This is exactly what I think!  Even if a person is exceptionally young, they may have been through a lot more and been to more places than a 90-year-old has seen in their entire life.  The younger person might even be more wiser and mature than their own parents or grandparents, yet they are denied any sort of acknowledgment because they're" too young."

    Now, of course, you should treat anyone with respect and courteousness no matter how old they are, but you must also recognize another's wisdom and knowledge, even if they may be a few decades younger or older than you.

    It is unreasonable for a person to demand respect and honor from the younger generations simply because they are older.  For anyone who argues that it's because "they have more experience, and know better," I'd have to repeat the fact that even a very young person may have more life experience than an older person, and may indeed make better choices.

  3. I was raised to respect everyone, especially my elders. It is respect and to me shows that you were raised right. I still say  Yes Ma'am and Sir. I wouldn't have it any other way. And my children will be raised the same.  

  4. How old are you?

  5. You are right.  Everyone should be respectful of everyone unless they have been dis-respected.  The saying should be stated "Be respectful of your elders" instead of "Respect your elders".  Respect has to be earned.  Being respectful of a person and respecting a person are two dramatically different things.

  6. And while you're at it, respect ALL life.

  7. I totally agree.

  8. No thats stupid some people older than me are idiots racists murderers rapists pedophiles should I respect them too? No one my elder anyways

  9. i was taught to respect everyone and elders the most because if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be here right now. you can learn a lot from the past...

  10. i always try to respect my elders........mostly cuz they have been alive for so long and served their time.(referring to 60yrs+)

    so many older men have served the country in wars, when they didn't want to do it willingly, the older woman dealt with the woman movement, and segregation....too me i look at older people and try to think of the possible accomplishments and struggles they had to go being extra nice, and holding the door open, or not cussing isn't too hard too do.  

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