
Should people who abuse farm animals face equal penalties to those who abuse domesticated animals?

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You have to be one sick puppy(no pun intended) to inflict some of this harm.

I realize that we need to eat, I love a good ribeye, but there is a line to be crossed sometimes.

I know that I would turn the other fist if somebody treated my kitties and turtles in these manners.




  1. Farm animals ARE domesticated animals!

    I am a small farmer, on a permaculture farm.  All of my livestock are raised on pastures and live in herds or flocks, just as nature intended.  When people think of farms, and how livestock should live, that is how my animals live.  Lovely green pastures, shelters, pond, trees, ect.

    My husband and I started to raise our own livestock for two reasons.  First we pride ourselves on being independent, and doing things for ourselves.  Second, we hate the way factory farmed animals are treated, raised, and the drugs pumped into them.

    All of that said, I don't think we need more laws!  Major agrabusinesses have a LOT of money and clout.  What starts off as a good law to try and prevent this, is twisted, and actually ends up harming the small farmer who DOES raise their livestock humanely and ethically.  

    Instead consumers need to buy their food from the small farmers like myself who do raise ethically.  Let your money speak....don't try to have more laws passed!

    Also, I'm not in favor of supporting the farm animal rescue places.  I don't think people should be taking their children to the farm rescue places, and donating money to them.  Instead they should be teaching their children from the time they are babes in arms about why, and where they buy food.  They SHOULD take their children to farms which raise animals ethically, and teach them how to pick out a nice healthy lamb, and explain that the lamb is going to be butchered and put in their freezer for them to eat.  Children SHOULD know where their food comes from!  

    If everyone purchased from small farmers like myself, the animal abuse at factory farms would be a thing of the past.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  2. Problem is that a kitten being bad can be picked up and placed in a separate room.

    A raging bull is a different matter.

    People that abuse animals should get the same penalties, but the definition of what constitutes abuse may be different for farms.

  3. i agree w/ you. i happen to be a vegetarian and a strong advocate of animal rights. i am smart enough to see both sides though...people can eat it if they want...but should NEVER under ANY circumstance abuse any animal. its pathetic.

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