
Should people who constantly answer questions on royalty, be made to do something more useful?

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Should people who constantly answer questions on royalty, be made to do something more useful?




  1. Like not spend so much time on line asking and answering questions?

  2. No this is a great way to waste time with a small chance of helping someone

  3. If you feel this way why are you asking  questions about Royalty?

    There are some people in the world who happen to have been lucky enough to have received stellar educations.There are some people who happen to be historians.Answering questions is part of their jobs.Answering questions is useful,especially when the responder can answer queries with accuracy.

  4. Its good to know every ones opinion. If one has a question, sometimes i wonder how different people react to it differently. This is a one common platform where different opinions strike. and even if, on an average out of 10 responses, you like 1 or 2, what is the harm in that? The more you know, the better it is. The more people respond, easier it is to spread the word of knowledge.

  5. No maybe they are just doing it to pass the time. Maybe they're passionate about royalty. One man's waste of time is another man's time well spent.

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