
Should people who drink carbonated beverages be tried as envirokillers?

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Seriously, people who want to eliminate man's use of CO2 have got something really wrong.




  1. I'm taking your statement with a grain of salt.  It's all about balance.  We shouldn't stop driving cars.  But cutting back wouldn't hurt.  Just like going on a diet doesn't mean never eat donuts.  But reduce the amount.  Balance is the key.  Moderation.

  2. no and seriously don't be so thick

  3. Sould cows be executed for releasing methane from their rumps?

    No, I'm not kidding, I've seen a valid article talking about this. Apparently all those cows contribute to this so-called "global warming."

  4. Those who have not drunk carbonated beverages can throw the first co2 canister.  

    But seriously folks.......

  5. they killing their self's. an they do a good Job.

  6. no, the CO2 that goes into the drink comes from the atmosphere first. besides its not enough to matter.

  7. No lets try the manufacturers.

  8. Carbonated beverages are no problem.  The CO2 in them was extracted from the air a very short time ago.  Putting it back is no big deal.

    But digging up carbon the natural carbon cycle buried over many thousands of years and burning it, real fast, is wrecking our climate.

    We need to stop that.

    "If the Earth came with an operating manual, the chapter on climate might begin with a caveat that the system has been adjusted at the factory for optimum comfort, so don't touch the dials."

    You might want to consider what some non crazy conservatives have to say.

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

    "Pat Robertson (very conservative Christian leader) 'It is getting hotter and the ice caps are melting and there is a build up of carbon dioxide in the air.  We really need to do something on fossil fuels.”

  9. Yes. Right after anyone who smokes since second-hand smoke, though never proven to have killed anyone is so unacceptable that they must die. And anyone driving a car bigger than mine, especially if it's foreign and cost a lot. And trans fats, don't get me started.

    As long as I get to make the list, put 'em all on trial.

  10. Since they are contributing the death of billions of people in the future, what in the world WOULD you do? Give them a stinking medal? Get real and let the trials begin !

  11. no, but they are ruining their body. Actually, burgers are worse because we need more cows and cows release methane which is as bad as all the SUVs in the U.S combined. Plus all the farming space and all, it's not good for you or the environment.

  12. Ya know, there IS a difference between recycling CO2 already in the air, and freeing carbon that's been sequestered in the ground for a few million years!

  13. Since mostly everyone in America drinks carbonated beverages, I think it would be a waste of time to put everyone on trial.

  14. If so then start with me. I drank 2 Cokes earlier and the caffeinne buzz is in force and I have a 10mm Glock in my pocket in case someone tries to arrest me for my Coke...

  15. Probably

  16. The carbon dioxide in soft drinks comes from the production of liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen.  It was in the air before it was isolated and put into soft drinks.

  17. no

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