
Should poets be able to write all kinds of poetry ? should they be able to write on any subject .?

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Are they the poor mans songwriter




  1. poets should be able to write about anything! their life, love, friendship.... it doesnt matter on what subject you write about !

    it just has to be well written... not childish..

  2. I don't answer for anyone but myself.

    I write about myself in free verse style.

    Of course, I am free to write about any subject and in any style I want, but this is all that my limited talent allows me.

  3. Hi! I cannot speak for all, but I don't find anything wrong with poets that stick to one genre or structure & music. I believe that poetry can not be seen as Popular Music, it is personal and more expressive. Poems to me are like talking paintings, because piantings can have different interpretations to divers people. I have had some really different interpretations ( all good) for several of my poems and that it inself makes me happy, for it means that other people read into the poems and take from them what they relate too, meaning something personally to them.

    You have to be carefull of being repetitive, other than this, it does not matter what the subject is, aslong as it means something to you.

  4. Every poet and writer has his own individual style.  They develop it over many years of writing - that is what makes their writing special.

  5. "Since poetry is the maximum expression of liberty (and liberty the maximum capacity of the human kind) a poet can do whatever he wants."

    Fritz Frotz

  6. No they should not!!  shakespeares only should ;)

    A poet is a person who is able to express his feelings in any way!! He cant write sth he did not feel, rather he is a composer or a machine !!

  7. Not necessarily.  The first rule of every writer is to 'write what you know' and since not everyone knows everything, you can't possibly write about everything.  As for writing all kinds of poetry.  I personally believe that you cannot consider yourself a well versed poet unless you try to write all kinds of poetry from free verse to structured verse.  Another personal belief of mine is that you need to learn the rules before you can break them and the only way to do this is by practicing all forms of poetry and using all forms of poetic device.

    Are they the poor mans songwriter...I guess you can say that since most songs are just poems put to music and most poets make little to no money off their poems.

  8. somepoeple are skilled at one ype of writting and some are skilled at all different ... it doesnt matter ... it doesnt mean your a bad writter

  9. It's hard to decipher what you mean.  Should a poet have the skill to write about anything?  Or should a poet have license to write about anything?  Two very different questions.

    And poets being the poor man's songwriter?  Bof!  Quite the opposite.  I've considered songwriters to be the poor man's poet.

    Poetry is not just for pretty words and witty rhymes.  Poetry is a crafted expression of many different ideas, not limited to romance or adventure.

    And as to the first questions, if a poet should choose to raise issues, yes, that poet has that privelege, but I think that poet also has some responsibility for what might ensue.  One cannot ask people to take ideas seriously but then hide behind the statement "oh, they're only words.  I didn't mean anything."

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