
Should poker be heavily advertised in the UK.....?

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which is already a country much in debt? Also did anyone notice the introduction of poker was timed with the banning of smoking in public places. Coinsidence? I just see ad's all the time for poker, or learn for free which encourages gambling on a larger scale with money, which is going to put the country in even more debt in my opinion. Whats your thoughts?




  1. Only seen the adverts late at night,so i presume only adults are watching................(Responsible) adults

  2. I think they should ban the advertisements, also ban all sites saying "you receive £10 free, the first time you pay" cause that just lures troubled people in. It is ridiculous! Also all these bingo sites should be banned, im sick and tired of them! GRRR

  3. Only if was to be strip poker

  4. I think a more serious problem is adverts for credit cards, debt consolidation companies, and cheap personal loans.

    For a country who's population is already is so much debt, dangling cheap credit in front of them, in order to get them to transfer their debt to another bank so they can stiff them on the charges, is outrageous.

    Far more people are losing their homes/cars/expensive TVs due to too much easily available credit than gambling debts. People are tricked into thinking they can get more cheap credit easily, when all they are doing is stacking up more debt. The banks wait until they are in difficulty then pounce by upping the interest rate and charging high fees for everything.

    At least the poker and alchohol adverts are after the watershed (after 9pm) when (supposedly) only adults are watching TV. Ads for cheap loans, 'easy' debt consolidation solutions, and cheap credit card rates are all shown round the clock.

    Predatory business practices by the banks are causing far more financial misery than gambling or alchohol ever will.

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