
Should police officers split time as Fire fighters to suppress aggressive behavior?(6mos terms)?

by  |  earlier

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My thoughts were to be more employee efficient for cities. The idea that many Officers do not become aggressive is to be naive. True I I don't have studies to fall back on. Working with law breakers day in and out must do something with ones minds. It could help with individuals to expand ones knowledge and hopefully encourage those who really just want to help, serve and protect the public.




  1. 1. You imply (without proof or studies) that all police offers have aggressive behaviour

    2. You make the connection that firefighters and policing are in the same related field and can cross that difference

    3. You propose a solution to a non-existent problem assuming the solution is appropriate and yields positive outcomes

    ...The public requests you expand that thought, connect your points, or elaborate on where this is coming from to better understand how to answer your question....


    EDIT:  Now that you've clarified your post a little, I can tell you that I think all jobs come with risk, stress, pro's and con's......  

    Splitting one's job with another and in different fields may not be an appropriate response in addressing any concerns or needs in those areas of occupational influences.

    Employers need to consider early intervention and preventative measures to help protect their employees if this is flagged as a potential issue of magnitude within their organization.  

    Creating wellness type programs, organized activities, and building a strong support within their employment structure all provide outlets and optimizes health - physically, mentally and emotionally.  

    Meeting an employees needs in these areas has proven to optimize productivity and foster a positive attitude.....

  2. It is very hard to make policemen as firemen at the same time because they have different lines of work.

  3. No but perhaps you should with prison guards.

  4. First of all you have a ridiculaous premise. You are assuming that Police Officers are guilty of aggressive behavior which is not true.

    In the Depatments where Police Officers alsoe serve as Firefightes the purposae is not suppression of so called aggressive behavior, but more efficient use of resources.

    Also, many of the skills used by Police Officers and Firefighters are the same, this permits more efficient use of resources.

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