
Should political candidates write their own speeches?

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Should political candidates write their own speeches?




  1. I would like or hear what is really going on in their brain, without someone else editing what they will say. It is a true indication of what we may expect from them. If George W. Bush had written his own speeches, do you think he would have been elected?

    Personnally, I think they should have to fill out a resume, also.

    It might give us a better understanding of who we are HIRING to lead the country.

  2. Should actors write their own movies?

  3. Most do to a certain extent. Palins speech wasn't written for her because she couldn't write her own. It was prepared before McCain even chose a VP. They knew what they wanted the VP to say a long time ago. It's not a reflection on her. It's a reflection on the party.  

  4. Why has this question never been asked until a female politician gives an incredible speech?  Why has this never been an issue after any of Sen. Obama's speeches?  I have never heard this to be an issue until now.  

  5. No.

    The qualities needed to lead don't always intersect with the qualities needed to write a good speech.

    Also,  a President shouldn't be required to cook in the White House kitchen, or fly Air Force One. He has staff to do that for him.

  6. What is wrong with you people ?

    How can you possibly accept the idea of a cleaned up and pre-packaged version of reality  over the real and raw  thing.?

    Don't you guys understand how critically important it is to hear the actual  words and thereby the thought processes  that went directly from a candidates brain to a legal pad and then eventually out to to his audience.

    Authenticity is important because it reveals who the candidate really is and not who his speechwriters want us to believe that he is.

    Can't you guys make the distinction between Martin Sheen and Barrack ABM or  John McCain.?

    I want you guys to take a minute and listen to this completely extemporaneous speech by Bobby Kennedy and then ask yourselves if it reveals who the real man was?

    Then place your favorite candidate in a similar position and ask yourselves what their speech  would reveal about who they really are.

  7. Yes.  it's best to hear what they intend to do IN THEIR OWN WORDS.

  8. some do and i dont think anything wrong with those that dont

    they are just alowwing someone to put their beliefs into better words than they come up with  

  9. No, I don't think it is necessary for a candidate to write his or her own speech.  If they choose to do so, then so be it.

    Since speech writing, at least for me, isn't a qualification to be an elected official, I don't care that they don't write their own speeches.

  10. That would be nice.

    More importantly....they should be forced to have open interviews with any valid press that request it.

    What we get now in campaigns are pre-written lines....all scripted conversation.   Stump speeches and interviews from 'friendly' reporters.

    This is why idiots can get elected, like Bush.   The guy served 8 years and has never had an unscripted conversation with anyone that might ask him a challenging question.

  11. ROFLMAO  I'm sitting here trying to imagine what a speech written by George Bush would sound like!

  12. Yes, this is bull c**p how they are reading someone else's word, I want to know what they think not watch a prepped up donkey... and is McCain a closet q***r? why do he act so g*y on the podium?

  13. No, but they should make sure they agree with what's written, as they will be held accountable for what they say.

  14. Who cares? As long as the person reading the speech agrees with the content, what difference does it make? Do you want to start electing authors instead of leaders?

  15. yeah, i do think so.

    if they are as learned as they should be, then they should be capable of writing their own speeches. it would be.. hmm, more from the heart? (as cindy mccain's speech writer thinks, haha)

    and it would be interesting to actually hear what they are thinking, not just thier campaign advisors.

    i believe that a little help doesn't hurt, though, when writing the speeches.

    merely grammaticaly though...

    as far as the republican's go, they should start learning how to read a teleprompter a little better before they have the pencil in their own hands. (that may be a little dangerouse)

  16. yes, or else those writing those speeches and saying all these words should be the ones up for election

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