
Should public schools be a little less politically correct when it comes to the safety of our children.?

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Recently a 12 year old boy threatened to slit my daughters throat then produced a pocket knife. This happened on the way to school on the bus.The high school staff at the school my kids attend were fully aware of this boys behavioral problems, he was frequently verbally abusing kids, even once threatened to rape a girl, but they could not do anything about it....... that is, until he produced the knife. Now the boy is in custody.

Why do they have to wait until a problem kid like that becomes really dangerous to do something about them?.

My daughter could have been seriously injured because people think it's wrong to separate children with violent tendancies from the kids they threaten and harrass every day.

Am I wrong?

Interested in others thoughts.




  1. All schools should have an anti bullying policy where these issues should of been addresses. I can't blame you for being down on this young person but I am all to aware of the lack of appropriate support that they can recieve in response to young people with emotional and behavial issues. If there is a victim support scheme I suggest that yo consider (should there be a victim empathy scheme) meeting this child and explaining to him the effect that his behaviour has had on you as a family and as a community.

    For years they told me I was mad but it turns out that all that is wrong with me is that I have ADHD

  2. Address this to the school and his parents.

    If any harm to your daughter were to occur, the school is 100% liable.

    Therefore, the school had better spank him, expel him, or something.

    Otherwise, tell the school you are going to transfer her to another school.

    Call the county school superintended if the principle gives you the run around and if the super does the same go public!

    The media can be a useful tool to exert pressure upon the bloated school system.

    Ultimately, both you and your daughter have the right to self defense. It is a personal responsibility. You should take immediate action to implement whatever measures deemed adequate for your self-defense. In the end, only you can prevent victimization because the police are always minutes away when seconds count.

  3. I don't understand what this has to do with political correctness. A bully is a bully. A dangerous student is a dangerous student. If there are behavioral problems then they need to be addressed. Race and s*x should not matter. It should be objective. It seems to me the problem here is outright stupidity.  

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