
Should public teachers be paid differently?

by Guest67155  |  earlier

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Should teacher pay vary by subject to offset the high demand for and shortage of math and science teachers? Is there an objective method for determining a competitive salary for teachers?




  1. I believe some methods should be used to attract more people into Science and Maths specialisation.

    Teachers should get additional payment on how many years of experience they have, how good their results are and how many additional courses and workshops they have attended.

    A teacher who teaches his kids to get As deserves more than a rather lazy one who gets Cs, same subject that is. Although, the flaw is they could have not so bright students.

  2. Depending on the school district, teachers do get paid based on their years of teaching, level of schooling and amount of professional development courses completed.  Some districts do provide incentives for those hard to place positions.

  3. No, all teachers should be paid the same

  4. The teachers that teach social studies have majored in social studies. The math and science teachers have done the same. These teachers have all passed the core subjects such as English, math, science and social studies and Latin, Italian, French or Spanish etc. Do not teachers for granted. These teacher are all talented and know going into teaching what the pay scale will be. True teachers do not it for the pay but for reasons that are beyond material rewards.

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