
Should puerto rico be a part of the U.S?

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i been there it was cool, but should it? i dont want it to be part of the U.S




  1. I think we should become independent. Sure, we might have a lot of problems starting off, but it'd get better. Right now, our governor is being tried for countless felonies. We're not exactly in the best position right now either.

    If Puerto Rico DOES become a state, that will probably take years to be official. It would be a very controversial move.

  2. Me and 40-45% of puertorricans think it should become a state.  But there are other 40-45% that want PR to remain as it is right know or just with a slighty better deal.  3 to 5% of boricuas want it to be a free republic (independence) like Mexico.  whatever % is left does not know what they want and shift their side from one side to another from time to time.

  3. Puerto Rico has been a colony of the United States since 1898. During the first 40 years of the invasion 1900-40, the independent movement was perhaps the majority. Nowadays is completely the opposite. I will be very surprise if is more than 5% of the total registered voters in the island want the independence. There are thousands of Puerto Rican living abroad that sympathize with the independent movement(like my self), however don't believe the we add up to more than 10%.

  4. It definitely should not become part of the US. The US will do nothing but ruin there beautiful island. They are better off on there own. You never here anything bad about Puerto Rico. If Puerto Rico joins there island will be in just as bad of trouble as the US is in now.  

  5. VIVA PUERTO RICO LIBRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. It is part of the U.S

  7. Only by becoming a state will the islands schools, medical care, police departments,legal system and the courts, employment so that our young people will not be forced to leave the island, either by seeking employment on the mainland or joining the Armed Forces; plus an end to the political corruption that festers like an ugly and devastating cancer will our island be able to finally be all that it can be. It`s the lies of the Partido Popular Democratico and the 3,000 or so Independentistas that has ingrained in the islands population a fear of what becoming a state could do. Their fear tactics have kept voters from taking the plunge and voting for statehood. They claim that we would have to pay all kinds of taxes, when in reality right now we have to pay more taxes than the average state. Acevedo Vila imposed a .07 percent sales tax on everything that we buy, including food and medicine which is not imposed in any of the fifty states. He declared that the island was bankrupt and that this tax would be anulled as soon as the islands economy was better. The average family on the island is paying $200.00 to $300.00 or more for their monthly electricity bill; they `re paying anywhere from $100.00 to $200.00 or more for their water and sewer monthly bill, mind you that the water that they are paying for is undrinkable, so they also have to purchase drinking water. Acevedo Vila is giving $25,000.00 and $35,000.00 monetery allowanses to those who are purchasing houses with a $400,000.00 or more mortgages. Yes, our island may be cool to visit when you don`t live here and you don`t have to put up with the abuse and lies of our government. Don`t come here to send your kids to our schools, don`t get sick here when you visit, they may just let you die at the hospitals and don`t get in trouble with the law if you don`t have any money. Is it still real cool to you? Do you still think our island shouldn`t become a state?  

  8. yes and no.

    I would say no, but it eventually will. just because things are changing, such as PR didnt have any taxes and now it does.

  9. I lived in the US & in PR. & honestly in PR you will most likely make less money & have less material things, but you live more freely & more easily. I pray to God for PR to NEVER become a state. If it does I wouldnt live here anymore. No offense to the states but they are no good anymore like they once were.

    In the US I couldnt afford health insurance (not even through my job bc it was so high) & I couldnt afford to just go to the Dr. or ER either. One time I went to the ER & got a $2000 bill! In PR I dont have health insurance but I only pay $25 for a Dr. visit & the Dr checks you out better & $50 for ER. PR has its problems that need to be fixed, but making a state will not help it, I think it will get worse bc the US has even more problems that they try to pretend arent there.  

  10. puerto rico is part of the united states of america, it is a territory since 1898. All puertoricans born in the island are US citizens.

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