
Should questions be changed in the Scottish Football Section...?

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To Favourite Answer rather than Best Answer? As everyone goes with what they like, rather than whats true!




  1. you'll get ur answer here.

  2. Maybe every 5 answers out of a hundred are givin as best answer based on the fact it was actually the most informative answer, the rest is just old pals act or the team they support, for instance you will probably give best answer for this question to a fellow sellick fan. but you make a valid point.

  3. changed from Scottish Football Question and Answer segment to :

    'please help ma pal they are awfy no well and i want ye all to say  get well soon and internet some Lucozade doon yer broadband to them but am no at liberty to say who it is or what they have up wi them '

  4. Someone asked if a certain game was on tv .I searched all the possibilities.and told him my findings giving details of my search,it took me about half an hour. He gave the best answer to someone who said something like, don't think so mate.

    I think that sums it up.

  5. aye yer right

  6. Ha I toattaly agree. Someone called me a plonker, ignoreged the question and slated me and I gave him best answer because well I felt sorry for him. I wonder where t.h.a.s is??

  7. I totally agree...a lot on here choose their friends rather than the good answer to get them an orange sash..or choose their other account


  8. good point tattie and very true.i think most other sections would be the same though.

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