
Should racism be illegal in the United States?

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Should racism, in all forms, be illegal in our nation?




  1. Yeah, right.  If half of you were "minorities" as you called us, you wouldn't be talking like this.  Are you racists?  Otherwise why is this bothering you?  The other races built this country and you reap the benefits of it?  Talk about racism!  No one else can be president, if they are then you talk about catering to their races.  Obama came in and didn't mention race.  The Republicans were the ones who brought it up.  Of course black people are excited to see one of their own about to break down the glass ceiling of the presidency.  In our near 3 century history we haven't once considered what it feels like to be black, Asian, Hispanic, (women??? I'm ashamed to say some of those who responded before me were white women, so obviously they feel no sympathy for us, they just want to pretend they're oppressed to distract from the people who are really going through something.  Hmmm?  Watch and see how many respond to that and see how we feel when you make it look like racism should just be left alone.)  I'm sorry but white women have been trophies of white men for centuries, yet they don't want to fight back.  All they want to do is pretend to fight then they blame the other men (black men) for their men's troubles.  Not one woman talks about Kevin Federline as a "scrub" or "player" when he left his pregnant black wife (another story) for a white girl who felt no shame in taking him into her arms.  Or what about that guy who cheated on his wife with a young teenager then paid her to keep quiet?  Racism is apparent everywhere, and if we talked about it we'd figure out what to do.  Sitting around and making blind laws does nothing.  The hidden elite (Oil companies, billionaires, etc.) who are playing chess games with all of us will simply change the wording so that what they promote will slip through the cracks.  How do you think Jim Crow came about so quickly after slavery?  You people can be so la-de-da about it because you're not going through it (white women, black women, latina, Asian, Indian afraid to sit next to you on bus or cross the street when they see you or they clasp their pocketbook to their chest, white men committing the crimes like drugs, guns, rape, etc. and all of it is blamed on us).  When the Hispanics become the majority, watch and see if you aren't going to sound just like we do now.  Or is that what you're afraid of?

  2. Of course, and it is.

    The only type of racism not allowed in the United States is the type people simply think, and do not act on.  This type of racism isn't possible for us to make illegal; it's really hard to change deep-down the way people think.  Most people who are O.K. with racism are very stubborn and close-minded-- there's no hope in changing them, laws or no laws.

  3. The first amendment allows free speech, so people are allowed to use racist words and say racist things. Also, racism is really a way of thinking. So, in short, no. Racism really can't be illegal.

    There are laws against hate crimes. Beating someone because of their race, for example, is not only assault and battery, but the courts will tack on a hate crime as well. So from that aspect, yes, racism is illegal.

  4. Of course.

  5. No it shouldnt.   Dont get me wrong, i HATE rascism.  But i also hate limiting people's beliefs.  It will start with rascism, then move onto some other belief.  What would stop the government from making anyone who hated the government itself illegal?  Making one belief illegal would just snowball into making many other beliefs illegal.  And we would no longer be free.  Ever hear the quote "though i dont agree with what you say, ill fight to the death to defend your right to say it?"  Thats quote sums up america and all our beliefs.  

    Additional stuff:  How can you possibly make someone's belief illegal anyway? That is just straight up against the constitution.  If you act on those beliefs is another matter.  If you dont like brown people, and you kill a brown person, then thats illegal.

  6. No.  Racism is a mindset, and however despicable it is, a mindset should not be made illegal.

    Now, many actions which might be motivated by racism can, should be, and are illegal, and that is as it should be.

  7. That would be unconstitutional.

    First amendment sums it up.

  8. ask obama about that, he's the most raciest person I've heard about of late, and he gets to run for president.

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