
Should rainwater harvesting be made mandatory for all malls?

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environment protection should not be neglected and big investment must ensure it so that a large number of people realize its importance.




  1. yes

  2. What you're suggesting would actually disturb the water cycle that replenishes natural aquifiers and ground water. That's why in some places cisterns are not permitted. I'm not saying they're a bad idea, just that they're not always a good idea.

    If you're in a rainy season then it would be good if there were lots of cisterns and holding ponds to store that water and keep it from overflowing the storm drain system, preventing erosion and possible pollution of water supplies. In a dry season using a cistern isn't as good since rivers, streams and lakes will be deprived of the water stored, which is one reason that in some areas it's illegal to do this.

    To give you an idea of how much water can be stored from a large roof such as a mall's - 1 inch of rain on a 1000 square feet roof yields 623 gallons of water.

  3. I don't quite know what you mean by "harvesting", but if you go to any large mall built in the last 20 years you will see runoff ponds built to collect rain and melted snow.  This is not new. try to imagine the amount of water that would collect in a parking lot say 100 acres in size from a 3 inch rain storm. This is done to reduce flooding and to let silt from salt and garbage from the runoff to settle in the ponds.

    If you mean for it to be reused for home use....Ahh it would be polluted. Let it run into the ground and collect in the local aquifers. That is a much better way to save the water.

  4. well i think it should be done especially in the countries having high rainfall in fact Cherrapunji hardly has a water harvesting system. it is right that people should be taught to conserve water but even by so many ads, pamphlets to conserve water people don't conserve water so instead of trying to teach people why not force water harvesting system. i am impressed by Tamil Nadu government that has forced compulsory water harvesting system in each and every household.

  5. sure malls ar epopping up out of nowhere every where these days, and they ought to be responsible for the wreck tat they cause to the environment. so they have to incorporate issues like rain water harvesiting , proper light utilisation , and cfc emiisons in to their planning

  6. Yes, the captur4ed water may have uses, and I have designed buildings to do exactly this, but what do you intend to do with the water once harvested?  It can not be used for drinking or food preparation without being treated, which means that every mall must now have it's own water treatment plant or there must be a parallel set of piping going back to the nearest treatment plant.  Until it has been treated and certified, it can NOT go into the same set of piping as potable water.

    Sorry, but this will not work well for malls.  It will work in industrial and transportation situations, however.  The company I am with has designed roof collection systems leading to cisterns holding water used to wash vehicles and other equipment.  These are especially popular where there are issues with groundwater, or the lack thereof.

    In other areas, the best place for rainwater is back in the ground.  This is known as groundwater recharge and is an absolute must in any area where wells are used.

  7. I disagree. Every time Government mandates changes for "good" they end up taking away more of our freedoms or they end up making the situation worse. Sometimes they manage to to both. Leave the Government out of if and let private industry find a way.

  8. yes, i think so but before forcing people of harvesting we must think how to make them aware not to waste water and use it with very much care.

    today govt. is making it mandatory the harvesting of water but it is not taking care of its use; in most of the govt. offices and quarters the taps r left on, where that water goes in gutter not in earth;

    so each and every act must be willful not mandatory which is possible only when we ourselves save water(which also include harvesting)

    all the best careful _

  9. Yes the malls are the one who use more water so if the rainwater harvesting is made mandatory they will save some water and its all concrete around the malls so the water is unable to go into the earth so it is best to made it mandatory for the malls

  10. Yes... and business too... well, let me clarify - I do NOT believe that old malls and business should have to retrofit - the cost would be too high, but NEW construction should certainly be mandated to use roof/parking lot water.

    It a good idea for people to gutter their houses too (although I am AGAINST mandating that!) and storing the rain runoff for lawns etc...

    Bermuda and many other countries take almost ALL their water from the roof tops - great idea!

  11. of course why not?

  12. mUST bE......................

    Humans r not fools

    Ackward 2 c them ignorant

    does'nt u agree with me?

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