
Should rape victims who get pregnant be forced to give birth to the rapist's child?

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Sarah Palin says yes, they should.

What do you think?




  1. According to nutcase Palin, yes.

    I would just take my child to another country to have it done.

  2. I think all violent rapist should be executed then rape will be way down on the list of list of preferred crime by criminals. When the violent rapist is terminated then we can discuss what to do with victimized women.

    You can't have it both ways.

    Hey what about women who get raped and don't become pregnant.

    Guess what the violent rapist gets executed just the same.

    I would have no regrets about ridding the world of sexual predators.

    You asked the question

  3. NO

  4. Its there choice. However it is extremely rare for people to get an abortion because of rape or other health issues.

  5. I like compromising... In my opinion, abortions are okay in the 1st 3 months of pregnancy.  That's plenty of time to find out that you're pregnant and know whether or not you can physically handle pregnancy and labor or whether or not the woman is a victim of rape...  

    At 3 months, the fetus' nervous system is formed enough to have feeling in its face and hands (which don't really have fingers yet).  At that point, it would be cruel to cut it up and suck it out of the womb...  

    If she was a victim of rape and has been pregnant for 3 months, then tough noogies.. have the baby and put it up for adoption for those of us who can't have children of their own (like me).

  6. Only if their last name is Palin.  

  7. Yes.  Being the victim of a crime doesn't give you privilege to commit a crime against another, especially your own child.  Rape victims feel much better cuddling their newborn baby then they do being gutted like a fish.

  8. No  

  9. NO, a woman has the right to choose who to have a child with! That is her body!  

  10. i was raped when i was only 14 and thought alot if i was pregnant what i would have done. i do not belive in abortion for any other reson but if it is due to the child being a victim of rape i think you should have an abortion. here are my reasons.

    You are already going through so much stress your body would be hard on carying a baby.

    Once the baby is born you will always have a problem looking at the child and imagining that the man who raped yous blood runs through the child.

    My dad was a child from rape and his life is all screwed up. hes been in jail pretty much his whole life and has alot of problems that arrised later where his brother is completly fine.

  11. I am very anti the 2% of cases where Rape. Incest, or life endangerment are present a petition to the courts should be allowed to get the abortion.....not abortion on demand....

    And to those foolish enough to use the lame excuse that it is going to be done anyway so make it legal.....Murder is illegal and happens every day and will continue whether it is legal or your arguement MURDER should be made legal......

    Just because it is done against the law....SHOULD NOT MAKE IT LEGAL....

  12. the thing that bothers me about this is why dose the government care if a lady wants an abortion let her get one her choice

    and another thing most of the people are men in the government (not all) they don't even no how painful giving birth is so why should they decide!    

  13. No one should be forced to go through pregnancy, labor, and delivery against her will. My morning sickness, my health, my body, my decision.

    It is historicially very rare for a culture to view abortion as "a problem" -- or even to view early term intervention as abortion. Even in Western European culture, in most eras the question was defined as "Do I want to bring on my late monthly? Or to quicken the child?" In most periods all but a few theologians would have laughed at the idea that there was anything "murderous" about women taking medications to bring on delayed monthlies.

    It takes a great leap away from common sense to highly abstract constructs to view taking action to prevent a fertilized ova from developing into a pregnancy as "a problem" of some sort. How can any thinking person argue that a woman who doesn't wish to have a child should have one anyways?

    I don't see anyone offering to simply PAY a pregnant woman to bring the pregnancy to term? These "pro life" folks should put money where big mouths are.  

  14. forced - NO

    but I will also tell you that I have no problem with Palin believing that.  If you believe in your heart that abortion is murder, than the abortion of a child as a result of rape is also murder, if that is your true belief.

  15. It's important to understand that abortions go on whether legal or not. Before Roe v. Wade, authorities never pulled dead rich women from back alleys. Sadly, it was always the poor that suffered. The affluent had their doctors perform the procedure in the comfort and safety of their medical office.

    I remember before Roe v. Wade when my mother, grandmother, and another woman were at our kitchen table. They had just come back from a funeral of a friend who was a victim of a botched abortion. With tears streaming down my grandmothers face she chokingly said, "It's a d**n shame that we live in a country where dogs receive better treatment than a woman."

    My father drove an ambulance in Washington D.C. He and my mother cried when Roe v. Wade passed as it meant my father and his colleagues wouldn’t have to look at those horrid scenes from botched abortions anymore.

    Back then, the pillars of the community knew who the abortion doctors were. They made sure they were around. Not just to take care of slip ups at home but more importantly, to take care of their little secrets. The local Sheriff was well aware of what was going on. But if he wanted to keep his job and win his next election, he knew he’d better watch his P’s and Q’s. Get it? Meanwhile, the sheriff helped pull injured and dead poor women out from back alleys. It wasn’t right that the poor suffered while the affluent didn’t. That scenario is one of many reasons R v. W passed.

    The problem with contemporary views on abortion is the element of time. People have forgotten or are too young to know what went on before Roe v. Wade. And the GOP isn’t going to remind us either.  Against our best interest, they use the issue to stir our emotions to sucker us for our votes.

    Pro-Choice is Pro-Life

  16. Is the baby responsible for his/her father's crime?

    Obama says that the question of when life begins is "above his pay grade", or simply I don't know.

    Would Obama be willing to execute someone NOT proven to be guilty?

    If Obama doesn't know (or is afraid to say) when life begins, shouldn't he be concerned for the protection of life?

    People have to live with the consequences of crime, some loose limbs, others a loved one, some are physically and emotionally scared for life.

    The baby resulting from rape, can be put up for adoption.

    An innocent dead child is dead.

  17. Yes!  A fertilized egg is a fertilized egg. Upon conception (no matter the circumstances: deep, committed love versus a brutal, violent, hideous crime) life is life, and a rape child is every bit as much a living entity as the child conceived through love and commitment. For cases of rape resulting in pregnancy, the criminal should be punished more severely than the woman not impregnated by her rapist. Especially, with the accessibility and reliability of DNA testing, it should not be insurmountable to determine who sired the rape victim's baby. FORCE THAT NO-GOOD b*****d  to compensate his victim and his rape child. Mandate that he do so for at least 18 years. Furthermore, if DNA determines that the creep is in fact the father of the rape child, he should be subjected to surgical castration, which  would put an end to any possibility of producing more rape children after his release from prison.

  18. Not in my family.

    Here women are respected, and THEY decide what's good for THEM!

  19. No never. No one should ever be forced to give birth period. It's an individual life altering decision that is nobody's business but the woman's.

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